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Chapter 6

"Damn!" I screeched as I broke yet another nail. I hated the mailroom with a passion. But I had to pay my dues, which I also hated, but I guess I have to get used to it. My father was the boss of this company and I knew he wouldn't hesitate to fire me.

"Hey Jen," Erica said as she walked in the room looking all high and mighty. Her dad was the Vice President of Jive and he had given HIS daughter a very cushy secretary job, which really pissed me off.

"Hello," I replied in a curt tone.

"Wow, what crawled up your ass and died," Erica said with a smirk, she knew that I hated the fact that her dad gave her a good job and I thought she was super spoiled.

"What do you want Erica? I'm sure your father wouldn't want you down here, you might get a paper cut or something," I said wanting her to tell me whatever it was she came down here to tell me.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going out on a date tonight so I won't be able to make your little night out with the girls after all," she said studying her nails.

"Breaks my heart," I thought but out loud I said, "Real nice Eric, ditch us for a guy," I said this a little more loudly then I wanted.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you saw who my date was," she yelled as she walked out the door. I threw a stapler at her retreating figure.

"Shoot, I missed," I smirked. "I wonder what she meant by I wouldn't if I saw who her date was?" I thought as I stacked the rest of the letters.

At the end of the day I wen to find Nicole and Rebecka because they were coming over that night to have an all girls sleepover. I knew they were just trying to get my mind off Nick, which was going to be a very hard task.

"Come on Jen, pick up the pace," Rebecka said as she saw I was only doing 40 in a 80 speed limit.

"Yeah, you're gonna get a ticket for going too slow!" Nicole added. Nicole reached for my CD case and took out the Backstreet Boys new CD Millenium. I smiled when Nicole picked "Don't want you Back" to play.

She knew me well. That was my favorite song. That and "I Need You Tonight" but I can't seem to listen to it lately. We got to my house about 1/2 hours later after I picked up the pace a little. "Larger than Life" was blaring from my speakers with three less than talented back up singers. I started to feel a lot better until I saw Kevin's car parked outside my house.

"Damn it," I said as I ran in the house to find Kevin and my sister, ummmm doing stuff on the living room carpet. "Kymberly!" I yelled which made Kevin jump about ten feet away. "Ok that's it! You are way to old for MY little sister," I continued to yell.

"Excuse me sister dear but I think that's my decision," she replied trying to fix herself up.

"Not if I tell mom and dad when they get back," I said with a smile.

"Damn you!" she screamed in my face as she ran up the stairs.

"Kevin I think you should leave," I said as he tried to protest. "NOW!" I added in a firm voice. He just looked at me, grabbed his stuff and was out the door. The others just stared at me and then grabbed their stuff and climbed my stairs.

"DING DONG," my doorbell rang and I jumped up from where I was watching TV.

"Oh, hey Erica what do you want..." I said as I saw who came up behind her. "Nick what are you doing here?" I said after he came into view.

"Well..." He tried to get it out but was interrupted.

"Nick's going out with me tonight and he left his wallet here," as she pointed at herself to prove she was the one he was taking out.

"Bitch!!!," I said right before I punched her straight in the nose!

Hey…I was in a pretty good mood today eh???? Like the ending…I figured Erica needed to get what was coming to her...well I have the 7th chapter done but I still have to type it up so give me a few days...???? comments and me at Jen