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Chapter 7

"What the hell did ya do that for!?," Erica yelled as she put her hand to her now bleeding nose. I actually felt better. The guy who said violence doesn't solve problems obviously never beaned someone. I smiled inside but continued to look made on the outside. "Nick, why the hell would you go out with this...this sorry excuse for a human being!," I said tears starting to run down my face. I got ready to lunge at her again, I was so pissed off. "Jen, calm down!, I don't know why I went out with her," Nick yelled as he wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me away from Erica, who looked like she was just about ready to hit me back. I'd like to see her try, I felt like I could do anything. Erica also looked like she wanted to tackle Nick for his previous comment. Nick pulled me up the stairs to my room. He closed the doors as I collapsed on my bed. As he was closing the doors I could hear Nicole and Rebecka taking Erica into the kitchen to clean her up. She was rambling on about how much of a physico I was, maybe she's right. Nick just turned and stared at me as if I was a stranger. Then he seemed to think about why I had done what I had done. It seemed to don on him just as I rolled over. I didn't have the heart to look him in the eyes. "I love you Nick," I just blurted out. I wasn't sure if I said it out loud until I looked up into his eyes. "What did you just say?," Nick seemed to look right into me.

"You heard me, I guess it took insane jealousy to finally come to my senses," I admitted looking guilty and ashamed.

"Wow, you know I love you too right?," He said looking very happy.

"Yeah, I was hoping so," I replied with a little laugh and smile. Nick reached over and took hold of my face, and I stopped laughing. The smile never did leave my face and I could feel sparks fly which had never happened to me before. I beat him to the punch though as I leaned in and gave him the kiss I know he had been waiting for...

About 15 minutes later Nick and I walked down the stairs with our arms wrapped tightly around eachother. Yeah I know 15 minutes isn't very long but I figured I should check and see if Erica the Bitch was still bleeding to death. "That was a pretty sweet right hook you had there Jen," Nick joked as we turned into the living room. As we came in we found Brian and Aj had come over. Brian was paying extra attention to Erica and I could tell it was making Nicole mad, so much she didn't notice the looks AJ was giving her. I wonder whats going on in this little group. I had found out today that things weren't really has peachy with Rebecka and AJ has things really seemed. As Nick and I sat down Erica turned and looked at me with distaste. "I'm glad you can joke about my possible broken nose Nickolas Carter!," Erica spat out.

"Yeah well you had it coming," Nick retorted.

"Nick that's kinda rude don't ya think?" Brian said with a disapproving glance.

"She did Brian, you weren't even here," Nicole said to her boyfriend. Then they just gave eachother looks and Brian turned back to Erica. Erica liked this and started turning on the heavy flirting. So pathetic but Brian was falling into it. "So what's up with this, are you two the newest lovebirds Frack?, AJ asked looking at Nick and I holding hands.

"Yeah I think this is just the beginning," I replied for Nick, leaning over for another kiss. I could hear the gagging sounds coming from the living room but I didn't care, because damn it, I was happy. I couldn't say that much much for Nicole though as I got up to go to the kitchen. I could noises inside but I thought nothing of it until I opened the door to find Brian and Erica, going at it pretty heavy. What was I going to do.

Hey,,sorry it took me soooo long to write this chapter,,,I lost my inspiration but I found it again..hope your enjoying this story and I'll write out another soon...????? comments and me at