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~*Chapter 9*~

"Let me in kid!," I yelled at top of my lungs, careful no to freak out too much. Kymberly must have known I didn't need this right now. Rebecka knew I was about to blow a gasket so she to began to pound on the doors. "I'm gonna kill her!, and you two are gonna help me bury the body!," I yelled so loud I was sure the neighbours musta heard.

"Com'on Jen, it's all good," Nick said looking unconcerned.

"Yea..I really should be getting home anyways," Rebecka said looking more tired then she was really letting on.

"What about our sleepover?," I said beginning to get flustered again.

I'm sure you two will find something to do," Rebecka said as she turned to get into her car, laughing because Nick was still lying on the ground were we had left him. I had to smile too, he looked so cute and all.

"I always hated camping and I think this was the reason," I grumbled as another tent pole fell over. I looked over at Nick to see him laying in the sand not even making an attempted to try to help. I went over and plopped down beside him. "What are you thinking about Mr.Carter?," I asked because he appeared to be so far off.

"Just about B-Rok and Nic," Nick said, with a concerned look in my direction.

"Yea I was thinking about that today too, that won't happen to us hun, it couldn't," I replied, more sure of this then I had ever been of anything. I got up to continue with the tent, but was pulled back down. "Forget the tent, sands nice and soft," This was last thing I remember before...

"AH!," I screeched as cold water hit me bare stomach. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 9:30 and I had just been hit be a water balloon. I turned to see who was gonna pounce, and saw AJ smiling at me with a knowing look. I looked at him with a confused smile then saw what he was looking at. Nick was sleeping peacefully where I had just been. "So why are you here so early in the morning?," I asked finally.

"Your sister called, she was freaking out because she didn't know where you were," AJ told me. "But I believe I found you," he said with a wink.

Yeah, yeah," I said and turned me back to him, big mistake, he ran over to me picked me up and before I knew it I landed in the ocean.

Later that afternoon, I was surprised to see that all me friends: Kymberly, Nick, Erica, Nicole, Rebecka, AJ, Brian and even Kevin had gathered in my kitchen. My house had always been the designated lunch spot but I thought since all the cheating and break ups that it would have stopped. Guess we're all friends until the end. I looked around the room and saw all the people I loved and realized I never wanted it to end, hopefully it never will...

If you wanted to know what happened to everyone..well Nicole and Brian actually got back together, but it took a long time for Nic to forgive Brian. I still belive to this day that they shouldn't be together, all they ever do is fight but they don't see it.

Rebecka and AJ are still together too. They got married two years after all this and they had a little girl they named none other than Jennifer. I was very honoured. They're so happy.

Kymberly and Kevin are also still together. I learned to except them because he treats her so well. My parents on the other hand weren't so accepting of the relationship. They kicked Kym out of the house and she eloped. She still had know contacted with the family other then me. It's sad because she's pregnant with her first child.

Well lastly you want to know about me and Nick, we unlike all out friends did not stay together. We kind of grew apart even though we loved eachother so much, I'll never stop loving him but people change. I met up with him again at AJ's and Becky's wedding. He gave me look so deep, there's still love there. WE did start dating again but once again we went our separate ways, things change.

Oh I know I forgot Erica, nobody cares, she was a bitch. hey, I'm gald you've read and hopefully enjoyed my very first story!!! Thanx for reading,, I'd love to hear your feedback,,about the story..the ending,,whatever..thanx,,,Luv Jen