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Beautiful Loletta Lee Dedication | Dedication

A Dedication to my #1 female idol, Loletta Lee

Why do I like Loletta Lee? I probably one of the very few female fans of Loletta, because most of her fans are male. As of today, Jan 3rd, 2000, I've been her fan for over 7 years now. I began to like Loletta when I first saw her in this 1992 TVB's serie "Beyond Love". That time, I thought she was so adorable, but that was it. Then I repeatively seen her in various idols magazines, newspaper, I thought, wow, this girl is really adorable! It only took a few weeks for Loletta's beauty and sweet personality to appeal to me and I made her my idol of all time, my only idol of that time. But later on, I found out that she does category III movies. That's the biggest disappointment I'd ever came upon to. I wasn't too thrill about that idea. Actually, I hate the fact that she's in those movies. I thought it was so degrading for such beauty to absorb to that filthy environment. 1 month later, I thought, hey it's her life, she's legal enough to do anything she wish. If I'm truly a fan, I shouldn't neglectize her, but I should be more supportive. As much as I love Loletta, I still can't be supportive of her movies. But I love Loletta enough to stay a fan. I don't find anything wrong with Loletta involving with those movies, but I will not watch it. It's Loletta's priority, she does what she wants, and I'm very happy that she's happy. Now that Loletta is happily married, and recently won Best Actress at the Golden Horse Award, with her 1st nomation, I'm even happier. Also, I would like to congrats Loletta for being a great mother, and ofcourse for winning Best Actress! Despite of it all, Loletta is still my #1 favorite female idol, and no one will ever compare or can replace her flawless, angelic, adorable, beautiful image in my heart. I'll always, and forever support you and be a devotee loyal fan, Mrs. Loletta Lee!!!

Last modified on: January 03, 2000