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Beautiful Loletta Lee Dedication | News


  • January 4, 2000

    December 20, 1999 Loletta was invited to Singapore to attend the '99 Star Award, as a guest presentor.

    Loletta own a beauty shop! Loletta's beauty salon was recently open. Some of her close friends attend the opening ceremony. In attendance were Cheung Tat Ming, Jade Leung, Yammie Lam, Ann Hui, Michael Tse, ect., and ofcourse her daughter and husband.

    1999 Golden Horse Award for Best Actress! It's amazing how a first time nomination could get you the award. But luck isn't the reason, it's Loletta extraordinary performance in "Ordinary Heroes". Loletta deserve every bit of the award. This really prove that all that hard work does pay off!

    Best Actress talks about her victory After her performance in Ordinary Heroes, award-buzz for Loletta sparkle. Loletta is very happy with her victory, but she never expect for it. With about 10 years in showbiz, she never been nominated. Thus, within the years, Loletta tried very hard, and finally her day has come. Loletta said she put 110% in Ordinary Heroes, but still, she doesn't expect an award.

    A night for Ordinary Heroes Ann Hui's Ordinary Heroes has won 5 awards out of its 10 nominations, including Best Drama, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Art Direction and Best Set Design.

  • Last modified on: January 04, 2000