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1990's Pledge Classes

Erica Lyn Bowden

Pledge Class: Fall 1994



Erica passed away on January 28, 1998. A scholarship has been named in her honor to recognize Beta Lambda members who exhibit the same hard work and dedication as Erica. Please visit the website that has been created in her honor.


Lori Pearce (Moore)

Pledge Class: Fall 1992


I graduated from the U of A in May of 1996 and am now living in San Diego and working for Qualcomm Inc. as a Programmer Analyst in Accounting Information Systems.

I was wedded to Michael Pearce (He's a Phi Delta Theta from the U of A.) on June 12, 1999. The Alpha Chi' s in the photo are comprised of women from Beta Lambda and Iota Tau chapters. My Maid of Honor was Erika Peltonen, a fellow Beta Lambda alum who pledged in Fall of 1993.

I was also a chapter advisor to Cal State San Marcos, Iota Tau chapter of AXO for 2 years, however, do not currently hold the position. I believe some of the young women from Iota Tau travelled out to Tucson to help with rush this year. It was a great experience for them.



Marcia Russell (Weddle)

Pledge Class: Fall 1990



I've been married to my husband since the day after graduation, and it feels like we've moved almost every year since! He went to Duke for business school and was transferred a couple of times, so I've been a teacher in three states and four different schools in just six years!

We are happy to be settled in the San Francisco Bay area now. I am currently the first and second grade science teacher and technology coordinator at a great elementary school. I've been active in my local Alpha Chi alum chapter and have met a lot of great Alpha Chi's. Our chapter also has a few other Beta Lambda alumnae, so we've enjoyed talking about the chapter.

I hope everyone will add comments to these alumnae pages, so we can make this a great site. Send your photos, too!

Vicky Sjong

Pledge Class: Fall 1990



I am currently working in Seattle for Opal Enterprises as a Sales Consultant and have been here for almost three years. I produce and sell sponsorship programs for large corporations who are looking for business to business marketing opportunities. Some of my accounts include Microsoft, Compaq, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Dell, Cisco, etc. We also do corporate sponsorships for golf tournaments around the country. I travel a lot with my job which is fun, but can be challenging. Just broke up with my boyfriend so I am back in the dating world and actually like it! Love blind dates so if you know any cute guys in Seattle... For the last two years I have been busy throwing wedding showers, bachelorette parties and going/being in weddings. I am now in the baby shower phase - 5 of my friends are having babies next spring! Yikes! Hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to keeping in touch! If you ever need a place to stay in Seattle I live right in the city - come visit!

Stephanie Mills (Tee)

Pledge Class: Fall 1991


Kim Nigh

Pledge Class: Fall 1990



I work for Uniforms To You and have for over 2 years now. Still living in Denver, bought a house, have a dog...just no husband! ARGHHH....hahah.

Michelle Dean (Birnkrant)

Pledge Class: Fall 1990



I just accepted a job offer at a high end travel site. I will be editing, writing, assigning and researching....all the things my journalism degree prepared me for!

Ingrid Brummett

Pledge Class: Fall 1990


Christine Westfall

Pledge Class: Fall 1996 (Active Member)


Vanessa Keane (Tartaglia)

Pledge Class: Spring 1994



My new name is Vanessa Tartaglia Keane. I got married to Jason Keane on May 1st, 1999. I work at Mayo Clinic Hospital as a Registered Dietitian.

Christy Roth (Weinrich)

Pledge Class: Fall 1990



Gavin and I got married the July after I graduated and moved to Cincinnati where we stayed for 4 years while he went to medical school. Once he graduated in 1998, we moved to Charlottesville, VA where he is doing his Residency in Anesthesiology for 4 years at the Univ. of Virginia. I have been working the entire time too, and now I have a job as a Financial Analyst for a small private company that mines coal in West Virginia. I
even got to visit my first coal mine last year. We really like Charlottesville a lot, but eventually want to live in a bigger city. It is a college town, so the football tailgating parties are pretty fun! The weather here is also great so we go hiking and mountain biking a lot. We have two cats and a huge saltwater aquarium to keep us busy at home. Come and visit anytime!

Paula J. Cook

Pledge Class: 1991


Kerri Downing

Pledge Class: Fall 1993



I am living in Phoenix and working as a nanny for a wonderful family. I am engaged to Brian Flader (Delta Chi) to be married on April 29, 2000.

Mary Clouser

Pledge Class: Fall 1990

Email: mclouser@U.Arizona.EDU

Pam Cullison

Pledge Class: Fall 1991



I've been with Wells Fargo bank for 3 years. I'm currently working as a Sales Supervisor at our Phone Bank, and pursuing my MBA part-time at ASU.

Jaime Archer

Pledge Class: Spring 1994



I have been living in Los Angeles, CA since I graduated and just moved to Manhattan Beach last weekend! Three weeks ago I started a new job at a company called USinternetworking. They are an Application Service Provider (ASP) for e-Commerce companies. I'm a Web Developer/Programmer and get e-commerce companies up and running on the web with the shopping cart and other neat features. I travel a lot but you can always reach me by email.

Kim Butler

Pledge Class: Spring 1995



I graduated from U of A in 1998 and work in Public Relations for the Arizona Heart Institute and Hospital. I also teach aerobics at night and on the weekends and am getting my master in Public Health through U of A. I live in Chandler and just bought a house with my boyfriend (hopefully fiancee soon!:):) Jason Lipsky. Please write! I would love to hear from everyone!

Leslie M Henson

Pledge Class: Fall 1993



I live in Chandler and work for Motorola Bio Chip Systems as a Research Associate II. Starting to work towards a Masters Degree in Biomedical Engineering.

Megan Hines

Pledge Class: Fall 1996



My name is Megan Hines "the short curly blonde non-drinking girl" I pledged in fall of 1996 and was only there for one semester. I am currently working on a BS degree in Chemistry at California State University Sacramento with a minor in Criminal Justice and possibly Physics. I have been living up in Sac for 2 years now and I absolutely love it. I study all the time now and I am not that crazy kid you all remember. I have not talked to ANY of you since spring of 1997 so if you want to email me I would love it. Love, Megan

All information on this page (including email addresses) is for personal use by Alpha Chi Omega members only and may not be used for solicitation.

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