Thanks for your interest in my new collection of TnT Stories, Life After Llanview. This isn't a traditional series, but a group of related short stories. Each one stands on its own, but some subplots continue from one to the other.
The first story in the collection is my Valentine's story, Todd Manning, Romantic Fool. As you might guess, it was written before the TnT reunion. At the time, I only had spoilers to go on, which mentioned that Todd came back to Llanview to rescue Tea. We also knew the first scenes took place in a parking garage. Well, in my version, it is Tea's life that is in danger, and Todd saves her life. I have decided to leave the story this way because frankly, I think I like it better than what actually happened. So in these stories, Todd shooting at RJ never happened. This explains why TnT are not on the run--there was no criminal activity on Todd's part in this story. But I have decided that I will include the cabin reconciliation scenes as part of the equation. I liked them and they fit the story fine, as Todd would still have to convince Tea to go along with him. So, you'll be seeing references to those scenes from time to time in the collection.
My goal with these stories is to show TnT how I imagine them a year from now. In my version they live in New York. Todd is building a media empire; Tea is working in a free law clinic. There won't be any high adventure here--no psychotic detectives or false murder charges. Just TnT coping with the everyday challenges of their relationships, jobs, and daily life. Sometimes they'll fight; other times they'll make love. Sometimes the stories will be funny; other times they'll be poignant or sad. There will be characters you recognize from OLTL, and new characters you will come to know. But through it all, TnT will put their own unique spin on things.
I am hoping to write one of these stories every couple of weeks, showing a snapshot of what TnT might be doing during that particular time of the year. I appreciate feedback, so don't hesitate to write me with your opinion. Above all, I sincerely hope I can provide you with some enjoyable moments with TnT while they are absent from our screens.