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Looking at Language
Brave New Words, courtesy of Richard Lederer
November 15, 1999

Intro by MOE

As some of you may know, MOE is also the author of two other websites, both having to do with language in one way or another, i.e., MOE'S TIPS ON ESSAY-WRITING and MOE'S WORD OF THE DAY. Language, writing, reading and all things related are both my passion and my vocation. Hence, it should come as no surprise that this boomer website should at least give some mention of the contribution of the baby boomer generation to the language, the English vocabulary of "standard" words and "slanguage." The worlds of politics, business, medicine, law, technology, military, music and entertainment, street life, toys and fads, social trends, fashion and media are just a few of the sources of a great spate of neologisms, or newly-coined words. I spent a great deal of time scouring the web to find an essay or in-depth discussion of the specific boomer focus on language. Eventually, I came across the following essay by Richard Lederer, a wonderful coverage of boomer language. I hope you enjoy this gem as much as I did!


Part of the most populous generation in American history, a baby boomer (we'll call her Boomer for short) entered the earthly stage in 1950. During the first decade of her life, she was unaware that a multitude of brave new words were making their way into her world and becoming enshrined in American English dictionaries -- air show, desegregation, carbon dating, egg cream, hi-fi, H-bomb, idiot box, jet set, junk mail, karate, knee-jerk, Little League, nerd, overkill, panic button, quantum leap, queen-size, show-and-tell, snow blower, tank top, urban sprawl, veggies, wash-and-wear, world-class, and yellow pages.

But as she became an adult, then a soccer mom, and, ultimately, an empty-nester, she began to realize that a gazillion neologisms -- around five thousand new words each year! -- were altering the way she looked at the world and occasionally requiring a reality check. Stressed out from life in the fast track spent networking with yuppies, yumpies, and dinks, she disconnected her cellular phone and paid some megabucks to go to a fat farm. Feeling like a couch potato, she stopped her feeding frenzies and gave the high five to grazing on nouvelle cuisine.

As newly minted words added to the currency of the language of the wicked awesome 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, Boomer felt as if she was having a bad-hair day every day in a world in which the parts of speech and meanings of words transmogrified under her very eyes and ears. FAX, Fedex, microwave, scroll, and Xerox had turned into verbs, and Bill Murray got slimed in the 1984 blockbuster Ghostbusters. Crack meant more than just a small opening, and ice more than frozen water, and going postal became not just a decision to mail a letter.

A pocket wasn't just for pants, and a bar code was no longer just ethics for lawyers or the etiquette of behavior in a cafe, and rap wasn't just '60s talk. Zapping was not something that futuristic ray guns did but something that people did with a microwave or a television remote control (along with surfing). A set point was no longer just a tennis score, and spin was not just what a tennis ball did, especially in the hands of the spin doctors.

IRA no longer stood just for "Irish Republican Army," CD s were no longer just certificates, and PC came to signify both personal computer and politically correct. A pound was no longer just a unit of currency or measurement but, in the words of James J. Kilpatrick, my colleague in columny, "the little thingamajig above the 3 on a standard typewriter or computer keyboard. It looks like a blank tic tac toe game that has had too much to drink."

Known as "elephant's ear" in Sweden, "small snail" in France and Italy, "cat tail" in Finland, "monkey tail" in Holland, "spider monkey" in Germany, "cinnamon cake" in Norway, "little dog" in Russia, and "shtrudel" in Israel, the @ -- or "at-sign" -- has become a standard symbol in electronic addresses. Used for centuries in the sense of "each at the price of," the @ has taken on the locative sense of "at."

In fact, the hot new technology of the computer thoroughly befuddled the meanings of back up, bit, boot, browser, crash, disk, dot, hacker, hard drive, hit, mail, memory, menu, mouse, net, park, prompt, provider, scroll, spam, surf, virus, Web site (no longer just where Charlotte lives), and window. As the wonders of the computer impacted on her mind, she acquired a new user-friendly vocabulary: clip art, desktop publishing, emoticon, floppy disk, ink-jet, Internet, keypad, kludge, laptop, morphing, mouse potato (a couch potato attached to a computer), number crunching, software, spreadsheet, and voice recognition.

To add to these sound bytes, bit-map, chat room, HTML, home page, netiquette, netizen, URL, VCR, World Wide Web, zettabyte -- and, of course, millennium bug (shortened to Y2K) -- all debuted in dictionaries in the 1990s.

No wonder that Boomer began feeling like a dissed gomer, dumbed-down dweeb, bummed out newbie, totally loose cannon, and ditzy airhead.

As the Me Generation (a term invented by the writer Tom Wolfe) grew up and grayed, our disoriented Boomer found that the business of America appeared to be business, and the business of business was to devise a lexicon of new terms to describe new fiscal realities. The second half of the twentieth century was a "golden" age of commerce -- golden handshakes, golden hellos, and golden parachutes.

The increasingly proactive world of business also gave us ATMs, baby Bells, bank card, debit card, domestic partner, entry level, Euro dollar, family leave, glass ceiling, intrapreneurs, maxed out, pink collar, PIN, power breakfasts and power lunches, and power ties, program trading, quality circles, queen bees, telemarketing, and white knights.

But Boomer found that life among the movers and shakers was fraught with the perils of greenmail, hostile takeovers, junk bonds, leveraged buyouts, and poison pills. It was also a decade of considerable monkey business -- sleazebags and sleazeballs engaging in insider trading, often leaving paper trails that led to smoking guns and white collar prisons.

Boomer was bombarded with hundreds of high-tech brave new words for a brave new world of science and technology. She found herself playing telephone tag with such cutting edge dictionary entries as blusher, bullet train, call forwarding and call waiting, CAT scan, COBOL, cold fusion, faux pearls (and faux anything else), fiber-optic, fuzz-buster, global warming, greenhouse effect, laser, makeover, meltdown, microwaveable, nuclear winter, quark, super collider, tanning booth (and bed ), voice activated, voice mail (a new oxymoron), and voiceprint.

As Boomer grew up, she found that medical breakthroughs broke into the headlines almost every day: alternative medicine, arthroscopy, attention deficit disorder, bikini cut, genetic counseling, geriatrician, ibuprofen, in vitro fertilization, liposuction, liquid diet, live liver donor transplant, Lyme disease, mad cow disease, minoxidil, passive smoking, PMS, product tampering, Prozac, seasonal affective disorder (which yields the bacronym SAD), sunblock, taxol, and toxic shock syndrome.

For a while, she joined the fitness craze and became a triathlete who built up her abs and glutes with low-impact aerobics, aquacise, dancercise, and jazzercise. At the same time, Boomer was troubled by the spread of AIDS drugs through the decade and the population -- ARC, AZT, HIV complex, homophobia, and safe sex (had it ever been safe?); crackhead, crackhouse, freebase, gateway drug, ice, and narcoterrorism.

Our Boomer became swept up in an age marked by considerable political and social change, and this change in turn left its mark on the American language -- action clothing, Afrocentric, bag lady, blended family, carjacking, charter school, codependent, condo conversion, Contra, co-parent, designated driver, designer jeans (genes, or anything else), distance learning, disinformation, Ebonics, exit poll, extended care, gentrification, gerontocracy, glasnost, global village, gridlock, happy hour (which usually lasts longer than an hour), health spa, high top, homeschooler, Kwanza, mall rat, managed care, no-growth, quality time, POSSLQ, rust belt (or bowl), seatbelt laws, significant other, single parent, singles bar, stepfamily, superfund, surrogate mother, touchy feelie, and trophy wife.

Boomer learned to come to terms with glitzy, in-your-face new entertainment terms, such as acid rock, action figure, boom box, breakdancing, bungee jumping, cable-ready, camcorder, channel surfing, clear channel, colorization, closed and open captioned, docudrama and documusical, extreme sports, gangsta rap, ghetto blasters, hackysack, high top, infotainment, laser and compact disks, line dancing, MTV, new wave music, new age anything, road rage, slam dunk, snowboarding, sound bite, snowboarding, televangelist, ten-speed, and veejay.

Lucky Boomer. Throughout her life, a growing interest by foodies in ethnic and regional cuisine added a menu of new words to the American palate, food court, and vocabulary. The American obsession with food is reflected in the neologisms bagel chips and bagel dogs, biscotti, blush wine, brew decaf, buffalo wings, callaloo, chimichanga, corn dog, enoki, fajita, farfalle, frozen yogurt, green goddess dressing, ice wine, latte, mesclun, microbrew, oat bran, primavera, ranch dressing, sea legs, shiitaki, smoothie, surimi, and wine coolers -- many of which are comfort foods, not junk foods. Boomer wasn't really distraught, and certainly wasn't ready to quit the day job or go postal or ballistic.

In fact, this whole business of linguistic change was a no-brainer to her. She knew that, just as one never steps into the same river twice, one cannot step into the same language twice -- that, even as one enters, the words are swept downstream into the future, forever making a different river.

Or, to switch the metaphor, she knew that language is like a tree that sheds its leaves and grows new ones so that it may live on. Changes in our vocabulary occur not from decay or degeneration. Rather, new words, like new leaves, are essential to a living, healthy organism. A language draws its nutrients from the environment in which its speakers live.

Throughout history, as people have met with new objects, experiences, and ideas, they have needed new words to describe them. During the second half of the twentieth century, the tree of American English experienced a riot of new growth -- a sign that our multifoliate language is deeply rooted in the nourishing soil of change.


Bart Simpson gave us "chill out," and "rad, man"; but "Don't have a cow, man" came long before Bart Simpson was an ink spot on the drawing board. Bart also uses the term "far out"; but he did not originate it, nor did he make it mainstream. Back in the early 70's, John Denver hosted "The Tonight Show" for a week or so. Apparently it takes far more than songwriting skills to serve as an articulate host. Every time John was excited or amazed, his eyes would open wide, and he'd blurt out, "Far out!" Well, it did not take long before the audience got ahead of him. Given just a short pause in the dialog, the audience filled in the blanks for him: "Far out!" Twenty-five years later he commented that that term still follows him around.

The term "hot rod" came about in the 1950's, referring to any customized car, or "set of wheels." Hey, man, got any "wheels" tonight, I wanna take my chick to the drive-in?" "Wheels", of course, did not just refer to those four tires but the car as a whole.

1950's Chevy, a cool set of wheels, a customized hotrod, man

"Fins" or "tailfins" referred, in the '60's to other than the parts of a fish: they were the latest fad in groovy-looking cars." You could tamper uder the hood of your car to make it go faster; this was called "a souped-up" car and could also be a "hotrod."

A long time ago someone might express pleasure or excitement at an invitation by saying, "Why, I'd be tickled pink". How about "So's your old man"? Our terms were mostly harmless, but for a while, we seemed fixated on parts of the body. "Up your nose with a rubber hose" [the '70's show, "Welcome back, Kotter" starring a young John Travolta, helped to popularize this one], "Stick that in your ear," which, not surprisingly, devolved in the 80's into something having to do with the sun not shining. Remember the insult "your mother wears army boots"? Rowan and Martin's "Laugh-In" gave us many expressions - "Sock it to me", "You bet your sweet bippie." "Hey, little girl; wanna' buy a box of cookies?"

The influence of television on coining new words and phrases was phenomenal. So were the movies. Perhaps "sucking face" [kissing] did not originate with Jane Fonda's "son's" remark to the elderly senile character of Henry Fonda "On Golden Pond', but it certainly boosted the popularity of the phrase. In that same movie, Katharine Hepburn affectionately referred to Fonda, her husband, as "you old poop." On television, Jackie Gleason told Alice, "one of these days, pow, right to the moon" but, later, making up, "baby, you're the greatest." Looks like Muhammad Ali cannot take credit for "the greatest." Robert Redford in "The Sting," which took place in the 30's, used to say, "Everything's Jake," meaning everything's OK.

What goes around, comes around. In the '50's, something really swell or neat might have been called "cool." When it was really, really, cool, it was "hot." Then it was "outta' sight!" Now it is back to "kewl." Rad, man, rad.

The word "boss" has certainly made the rounds. We know who the boss is.... Bruce Springsteen, of course. But as a verb, it means to order someone around. Today we might call a person a "control freak"; in the 60's, he was merely "bossy". But in the early 60's "boss" was an adjective. It meant cool.... or maybe hot. The adjectives "hip," meaning "in," preceded the hippies. They were so far in, they were out - far out!

In the mid 60's, our parents and teachers were "square" - they just didn't get it. Charles H. Brower, one of our elders, was so upset at the mal-appropriation of the word "square" that he wrote an essay about it, and put it on a 45 RPM: "Square! Another of the good old words has gone the way of love, and modesty and patriotism. Something to be snickered over, or outright laughed at. Why, it used to be that there was no higher compliment you could pay a man that to call him a square shooter. The ad man's promise of a "square deal" once was as binding as an oath on the Bible.

But today, a square is a guy who volunteers when he doesn't have to. He's a guy who gets his kicks from trying to do a job better than anyone else. He's a boob who gets so lost in his work he has to be reminded to go home." "The Square" became a big hit. We had a lot of words for people who we did not like. Today we might refer to them as dweebs or geeks. Back in the 60's, we might refer to them as a dork, a dufus, or a spaz (a derivative of spastic).

Things were real groovy in the 60's, and it showed in our music. The Young Rascals were "Groovin' on a Sunday Afternoon." We had a "Groovy Kind of Love" from the Mindbenders. The Duke of Earl, Gene Chandler, sang, "Well, it's a groovy situation, and a friendly combination; that we should meet, on a night like this." The song was actually called, "That Girl," but everyone knew it as "Groovy Situation." Somebody asked why the newlyweds bought a box of corduroy condoms. Because they wanted a groovy kind of love, that's why. I could dig that. In fact, the Friends of Distinction went nuts diggin' it: "I can dig it; he can dig it; she can dig it; we can dig it; they can dig it; you can dig it. Can you dig it?" Things were also mellow in the mid-60's. But by 1966, they must have turned sour. Donovan noted so with a song called "Mellow Yellow."

Being "bent" meant being drunk back in the 60's. The phrases "on a bender" probably preceded the '50's and '60's, while "chugging" and "chug-a-lugging" were used in the '70's, and still today, often referring to swallowing ridiculously huge amounts of beer or, worse, hard liquor, in a dare situation or a freshman rite. Not a good idea, then or now. In college, we created harmless terms to describe what were sometimes not-so-harmless characterizations. If you were just mildly upset, you were "bent out of shape." But someone who was a "pretzel case" had a part of his anatomy twisted in an unusual and awkward position.

In the 70's, we also used the term "out to lunch" to describe someone who was hopelessly lost in this world. It may have originated in "Along Comes Mary," by the Association: "When we met I was sure out to lunch; now my empty cup tastes as sweet as the punch."

In the late 60's and early 70's, we were "into" things... bags mostly: "Hey man, what are you into? What's your bag?" But some people had negative karma; they gave off bad vibes. They were really, really, reeeeally far out! In the 70's we talked about "doing your own thing." Remember the song called, "Lay a Little lovin' on Me," by Robin McNamara in 1970? ("Honey, doggone it; I'm depending on it; so lay a little lovin' on me!") Those words were derived from the term, "Lay it on me." Today we might simply say, "So, tell me...."