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#1009 -- Hamlet

(episode guide by Embers)

Movie Summary

It's Hamlet! With Germans! And it's bad!

So, you don't know the story of Hamlet, eh? READ A BOOK!! I'm not gonna go over it all here. Let's just say that this version is a stinker.

Host Segments

Prologue: Servo has changed his last name to Sirveaux. It sounds the same to most, but appearently he can tell the difference. His new first name it Htom. Crow tells Htom to hlick him.

Segment One: Crow's name is now Croë, but no one can pronounce it. Meanwhile, Pearl has created a mutant virus, but Mike is more interested in making her "find the lady." He wins, of course, and earns the right to choose his movie. He picks Hamlet, but lets Pearl specify the version of Hamlet. Poor dumb sap.

Segment Two: Crow and Servo are attempting to play a ghost of your father trick on Mike. Unfortunately, Mike's father is not dead, and neither are any of the other relatives they try to adapt the joke to.

Segment Three: The 'Bots are rehearsing their version of Hamlet. First the cast was made up of scuba divers, then bucket heads, then furniture, then percussion instruments. They show Mike a bit of the percussion version before movie sign.

Segment Four: Mike is the host of a game show called "Alas Poor Who?" where you identify people by parts of their skeletal system. Crow and Tom Servo are the contestants. Crow would have won, but he forgot to put his answer in "Alas, poor..." form.

Segment Five: The 'Bots have made a Hamlet action figure with a very long string. In Castle Forrester, the small character of Fortinbras whats to play out his part in Hamlet, which was cut out of the movie. Pearl kills him with her mutant virus. Mike lets the string go, and Hamlet's soliloquy plays over the end credits.

Stinger: A guy does a kind of head bob thing.

My Thoughts

Hamlet. Ick. Don't even want to reflect on this movie.

My favorite host segment was "Alas Poor Who?" It was just so....amazingly funny. I loved it.