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#810 - Giant Spider Invasion

(episode guide by Brianjedi)

Movie Summary

In rural Wisconsin, some space thingamabob (I don't really know what) lands, causing a black hole in the pasture of a local unwashed farmer. Giant spiders appear profusely and attack the local populace, until an overweight scientist from NASA(Steve Brodie) and Della Street herself, Barbara Hale, destroy the black hole with some yellow box and a helicopter. The movie is the crowning jewel of Wisconsin director Bill Rebane's career.

Host Segments

Prologue: Tom Servo plays a cheerleader; asks for S, A, T, other T, but only gets MRxL.

Segment 1: Pearl calls; discusses Mads' camping experience; Bobo tells about his troubles; Servo portages, much to the dismay of Mike and Crow; Pod People Pearl and Brain Guy send "zucchini throw pillows."

Segment 2: Pod Gypsy tries to lull M&TB into "a restful state of quality sleep" by singing a lullaby; Mike notices a problem, Crow and Servo are doubtful about Gypsy's motives.

Segment 3: Mike and the Bots try to stay awake; Servo is sleepy, but Crow is hopped up on way too much caffeine; On planet, Pod Pearl and Brain Guy load Widowmaker with pods; Bobo gets tied up when he discovers their motives; Crow's heart almost explodes.

Segment 4: Pod Servo appears; Mike and Crow try to tell the two Servos apart using questions; real Servo revealed by describing his underwear collection.

Segment 5: Mike is only normal person on SOL; Bobo escapes his bonds and destroys mother pod thanks to Mike's encouragement; Mike punches out Crow when he pretends to be a Pod Crow; Pearl, after missing the experiment, sends the movie- again.

Stinger: Guy sticks his tongue out.

My Thoughts

This is, without a doubt, one of the best episodes ever. It ranks up there with Manos and Mitchell. This is also the birthplace of the famous "PACKERS!" yell (my trademark) and we also get a lot of Gilligan jokes because of Alan Hale as the Sheriff. Also, look for the two Eric Clapton references. They're easy to spot.

Quote: "I love tick-infested hounds, slaughtering deer, and beer."