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#816 Prince of Space

(episode guide by Embers)

Movie Summary

Another one of them dubbed Japanese movies. This time the hero is Prince of Space and the aliens are long-nosed things from the planet Krankor led by a guy with a horrible grating laugh named, um, Krankor. Sadly, the gifted children with their scary little pants are still ever-present.

Host Segments

Prologue: Crow and Servo were playing "Dog and Bear." Servo the dog killed Crow the bear

Segment One: Now the 'Bots are playing "Sea Lion and Squirrel" and it's going quite well. Bobo has to "go," so Brain Guy puts him into space on a rope and he accidentally goes into a wormhole. The Widowmaker and the SOL go in after him.

Segment Two: There's something wrong with the space-time continuum and everyone's out of sync. Crow's chicken puppet is a major plot point.

Segment Three: Mike has become a cute little robot.

Segment Four: Mike and the 'Bots are in a sylvan glen, which gives Servo hay fever.

Segment Five: Everything's back to normal on the SOL. Mike tricks the 'Bots into thinking he's married to Krankor. Pearl and Brain Guy land in Ancient Rome and are captured by some Roman people.

Stinger: Krankor yuks it up.

My Thoughts

This movie gave me a headache. It wasn't the actual plot of the movie, although that was pretty annoying. No, it was Krankor and his fingernails-on-chalkboard laugh. It was horrible! I must have used a whole bottle of asprin watching this episode.

Someday I would like to go to Japan. And when I do, I want to meet one of those special children in the tight pants. Then I want to find a store that sells the aforementioned tight pants and burn it to the ground.

My favorite host segment was the one where they're all out of sync. I can't get enough of that chicken puppet!

My favorite riff from this ep? "I'm ashamed of my talk show."