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#817 Horror of Party Beach

(episode guide by Embers)

Movie Summary

Radioactive waste spilled in an ocean creates a hideous, yet somehow cartoonish race of Cookie Monster-like beasts. Throughout the course of the movie, they terrorize a beach party, a slumber party, a trio of traveling girls, a department store, a couple of hopelessly drunk guys, and everyone watching the film. Their weakness is sodium, however, so good prevails again. Beware the music of the evil party band!

Host Segments

Prologue: As the SOL is traveling through a wormhole to Ancient Rome, Servo is practicing being a Tibetan Monk.

Segment One: Servo's chanting is really coming from speakers. The Greek people, Callipygeas and Flavia (Kevin Murphy and Bridget Jones), think that Pearl, Bobo, and Mike are gods. They also assume that Crow is a "golden spider duck" and Servo is a "crimson pig." Crow would rather be a proud prancing reindeer or the like.

Segment Two: Mike and the 'Bots are having a manly beach dance. Mike's trunks are a bit too small. (He's nude.)

Segment Three: Goddess Apearlo and Brain Guyius play "The Gods Jam."

Segment Four: Servo is a newsboy for the SOL Post, which features incredibly up-to-date headlines.

Segment Five: Mike, Servo, and Crow sing "Sodium!" Meanwhile, Apearlo and Flavia insult each other while Brain Guyius and Callipygeas bond

Stinger: The manly beach dance.

My Thoughts

Well, this was another movie for the Awful Title Club. For one thing, there was no horror. There's a reason that Cookie Monster is on Sesame Street: because small children will not be frightened of him. However, we are expected to be horrified by a creature that bears an odd likeness to that bakery treat-loving puppet of our youth? I don't think so. Then again, this movie was made long before Sesame Street began. Was Cookie Monster, in fact, inspired by this film? Nah, don't think so.

Another thing is that the "party" at the "beach" wasn't very interesting. It was scarier than the "horror" was! Maybe a more apt title for this film would have been Semi-Funny Creature of Horrific Party Beach. Then again, that's not very catchy.

My favorite host segment was the one where Mike was nude. That's just my kind of humor, I guess. Then again, this is coming from the girl who thought that Crow's chicken puppet is the height of hilarity.

The song "Sodium!" is very catchy. I've been singing it ever since I first saw this episode.

And remember, look Polish!