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#818 Devil Doll

(episode guide by Embers)

Movie Summary

There's a ventriloquist/hypnotist known as the Great Vorelli. He has a dummy named Hugo. Together they have little shows where Vorelli does some pretty spooky stuff. But there's a reporter-type guy who smokes a lot, and he thinks that Vorelli's act is a sham. So he takes a girl, Mary Anne, who apparently he knows pretty well, to see Vorelli's show and forces her to participate. After a strange dance sequence, the reporter has learned absolutely nothing. Vorelli, however, has taken a liking to Mary Anne.

Soon after, there's a party. At this party, Vorelli and Hugo do a little act. (They were asked to this party by Mary Anne, but I'm not sure how relevant that is.) Hugo does his usual "tricks," walking around, talking, and other stuff, and attempts to kill people. Later, in an odd moment, he kills Vorelli's assistant, the butt lady, called so because she always shows her butt during the act.

Meanwhile, the reporter has discovered that Hugo is actually a man's soul in a doll's body. Now Hugo is rebelling and stuff. Vorelli also wants to marry Mary Anne, and then put her soul in a doll for no apparent reason. Hugo wants to prevent this from happening, so he awkwardly fights Vorelli and their souls end up switching places. Odd.

Host Segments

Prologue: It's Friday at the Dorm on the SOL. They have a lovely window, but no speakers to put in the window. They also have no beer or wine coolers. Despite that, though, it's a pretty happening party.

Segment One: They have to return the window. In Ancient Rome, the Romans are having a Welcome, Gods party. Pearl tries to liven it up by announcing "Toga Party!" The Romans don't get it. Back on the SOL, Mike has gotten a beer from the Nanites' "micro-brewery." (Get it?) Crow is a little too into the dorm party idea and destroys the window while screaming "Debbie!!" Meanwhile, the Welcome, Gods party has become a fun Pants Party! "Pants! Pants! Pants!"

Segment Two: Pitch is trying to sell his devil dolls to Crow. Mike is appalled; Crow is drawn in by the prices.

Segment Three: The 'Bots are British and offer Mike some British cuisine. He just wants some beer, but the tap is very, very, excruciatingly slow. Finally the British 'Bots refuse to serve him.

Segment Four: Servo is having his soul transfered into another Servo body by Crow, with some assistance from Pitch. Mike is angry. While Mike and Crow are arguing, Servo transfers his own soul into a toaster strudel.

Segment Five: A strange day on the SOL: Crow is Vorelli, Mike is Hugo, and Servo's still a toaster strudel. Back in Ancient Rome, it's Lesser God Day at the Colleseum. Pants have really caught on. The main attraction is Bobo fighting a lion.

Stinger: Hugo fights clumsily.

My Thoughts

Boy, what a weird movie! But what was even weirder was the host segments. Lots of beer, the return of Pitch, toaster strudel...this show had everything!

My fave host segment was the window. Odd, but amusing.