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#820 Space Mutiny

(episode guide by Embers)

Movie Summary

It's the future, where keyboards are attached to walls and safety railings abound. A bunch of people are living on a spaceship in space, where apparently the '80s live on, and there's a mutiny of sorts. A bunch of people die, and everyone who's left must be told when to run and when not to. Fun for all ages!

Host Segments

Prologue: Mike is trying to teach the 'Bots some history using really old encyclopedias.

Segment One: Mike gets Crow and Servo some new state-of-the-art encyclopedias, but they liked complaining about the old ones better. Flavia discovered that Pearl and Brain Guy weren't gods and threw all three of them in a dungeon. Pearl trys to get Brain Guy to bring Mike down to save them, but he doesn't understand.

Segment Two: The 'Bots crash the escape pods,which ruins Mike's tea party.

Segment Three: Crow is having a crisis about whether or not he's a Bolarian while Mike is reading The Pelican Brief. Bobo frees himself using a hair pin he regurgitated. He goes to get Brain Guy's brain, but then he forgets to and locks himself up again. Back on the SOL, Crow decides he's a gullible freak.

Segment Four: Servo has installed several new safety railings on the SOL.

Segment Five: Crow thinks he's buff, but Servo's buffer. Flavia tells Pearl and Co. that they die in the morning, causing Pearl to become momentarily remorseful about the experiments. Then Brain Guy gets his brain back, brings Mike down to distract Flavia, and they all escape.

Stinger: A guy screams and jumps off a bike.

My Thoughts

Ah, Space Mutiny. There's so much I hate about this movie that I just don't know where to begin.

A few weeks before the time that I am writing this, Space Mutiny was rerun on Sci-Fi. In fact, I made my first post on the Sci-Fi MST3K BBoard about it. I had decided that the captain guy (ya know, the one that looked like Santa) had an ulterior motive and was going to do something important in Space Mutiny II. Someone gave me some excellent advice: Space Mutiny is not the sort of movie you should think too deeply about. Now, after some reflection, I agree.

The best host segment in this episode was segment 4, where Servo put up all those safety railings. "You put a railing in front of my bedroom door!"

Here's a link to a transcript of part of the final movie segment.