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#901 The Projected Man

(episode guide by Embers)

Movie Summary

Crow says it: "Even when stuff happens in this movie, stuff doesn't happen." Paul is a scientist, and he and his assistant Mitchell have been working on projecting things, which means they sent stuff across the room. Lembach and company, who are giving Paul and Mitchell their grant money, revoke the grant when their demonstration is sabotaged, so Paul uses his last few moments of lab time to have his secretary Sheila project him. He becomes horribly mutilated when Sheila screws it up, and he kills people with his touch of death. Another woman coaxes him back to the lab so they can reverse the damage, but apparently something goes wrong again and the whole lab goes up in a fiery blaze.

Host Segments

Prologue: Mike and the 'Bots discover that they have come out of the back at Earth. Mike, Servo, and Crow think of everything it could be besides Earth, such as an Earth where koalas rule, but Gypsy insists that it's Earth at the same time they left. They momentarily rejoice at being able to watch Ethan Hawke movies again, then realize that's not such a good thing.

Segment One: Pearl, Professor Bobo and Brain Guy explore the castle that the Widowmaker landed at. Pearl discovers that it's Castle Forrester, the home of her ancestors. She plays songs on the organ and insists she's never played before. As Brain Guy sends the movie to the SOL, she's playing "Louie, Louie."

Segment Two: Crow and Servo take things that are special to Mike and project them "someplace else," though they are really burning his stuff and thinking it's funny.

Segment Three: Mike and the 'Bots try to convince Lembach to stay. Pearl finds her ancestors' diary, which documents their strange experiments. Back on the SOL, Lembach decides he's just gonna take off.

Segment Four: Crow has the touch of death, which he accidentally uses to kill Mike. He and Servo get a head start on dragging him into the theater.

Segment Five: Mike is giving out grants. He rejects Tom’s idea, which was actually pretty good, and is therefore forced to accept Crow’s rather dumb idea. In Castle Forrester, there’s a lot of marching and chanting.

Stinger: "Lembach is staying in London for another few days."

My Thoughts

I consider this the episode that made me a MSTie. I mean, I had already joined the Info Club (member #91005!) and seen many episodes, but this was the first episode I ever taped. I must have watched it 20 times. I know this episode almost as well as I know MST3K: the Movie, and I know that really well.

But, anyway, I don't know what it was about this episode that made it better than the other ten or so episodes I had seen. It just made me laugh so hard that I had to tape it when it re-ran later that day. I haven't actually watched it in a while, but I still remember it well.

Ya know, I think it was the Lembach stuff that got me hooked. "Lembach is staying! Lembach is staying!" Yeah, that was it.

My favorite host segment, other than "Lembach is staying," of course, is segment four, where Crow has the touch of death. "Well, I guess we better get a head start on dragging him into the theater..."