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#902 The Phantom Planet

(episode guide by Embers)

Movie Summary

An astronaut named Frank Chapman's pointy spaceship is magnetically attracted to "the phantom planet," which is an asteroid that just kinda floats around. It is actually called and its inhabitants are really tiny. Frank shrinks down to "normal" and has a duel with this guy for the affections of Liara, a strange blonde girl. Once Frank wins the duel, however, he decides he'd rather have Zeta the mute girl. Someone has girlfriend issues. Anyway, then these dog-like things called the Solarites attack, an old guy dies, and Frank goes home with a rock given to him by Zeta, who is no longer mute. Or something like that.

Host Segments

Prologue: Mike, Servo, and Crow have an Andy Rooney impression contest, while Gypsy refs. Their topic is "soup."

Segment One: Gypsy refuses to announce the winner of the Andy Rooney contest. Pearl, moving into Castle Forrester, receives her World Domination Starter Kit from Spiegel. Unfortunately, the "thing" gets sent to the SOL. Turns out the "thing" is radioactive and it gives Crow an extra eye. Servo insists he'll feed it.

Segment Two: Servo tries to find the perfect combination of "the good and the beautiful." He starts with a picture of Anna Nicole Smith and a Goodie bar.

Segment Three: Crow is showing Servo his model car while Mike is floating outside the SOL ala the guy in the movie. Pearl and Brain Guy hear noises in the castle and cling to one another, but the noises are just Bobo dragging a chain and howling. When movie sign goes off, Crow and Servo just leave Mike outside.

Segment Four: Crow and Servo play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on glasses filled with water. They insist that Mike try playing something, and he plays a spectacular symphony.

Segment Five: Crow psycho-analyses his tendency to dress up like a character after watching a movie while wearing a Solarite costume. Meanwhile, Pearl is convinced that she is threatening when a group of villagers show up at her door, but turns out they're only there to welcome her to the neighborhood. She unleashes her wrath on them.

Stinger: The other astronaut guy says, "Every day I become more and more convinced that we should focus our lives on the good and the beautiful."

My Thoughts

You're gonna think I'm insane, but I actually kinda liked this movie. The Solarites were soooo cute!!

Really, though, that was the only redeeming quality of this film. It was very, very painful. The horrible opening credits sequence was a source of bitter agony.

My favorite host seg from this ep is the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star seg. Servo: "I'd like to see you tackle "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!"