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#910 The Final Sacrifice

(episode guide by Embers)

Movie Summary

An annoying, dorky kid in a red sweater named Troy is being chased by some guys in black sock hoods. He jumps into the truck of Rowsdower, a creepy guy with hockey hair, who puts Troy's sins aside and helps him. It turns out that the guys chasing them across Canada are part of a cult who killed Troy's father 7 years earlier. They are chasing the Troy for this map to a city his father made. Rowsdower was actually a member of the cult, and then Troy kills the cult's leader, which frees all the members, including Rowsdower. They find the city, which takes off, looking like Darth Vader in the sky.

Host Segments

Prologue: Gypsy has to turn off the power to do some work on the SOL. Mike warns the 'Bots nor to do any looting, but they do it anyway.

Segment One: Tom drops an anvil in Mike's box of commemorative plates. Pearl announces that she is going to take over the world one person at a time. It doesn't go well.

Segment Two: Crow and Mike shamelessly bash Canada, then Servo comes in dressed as a Mountie and begins to sing the "I Wish I Was Back In Old Canada" song. Mike and Crow add verses that make fun of Canada, and they persuade Servo to join them. He gets a little too into the spirit, and his verses discuss destroying Canada.

Segment Three: Everyone catches hockey hair except Mike, who's had it before.

Segment Four: Crow and Servo try to find a cure for hockey hair. Mike catches Grizzled Old Prospector Syndrome.

Segment Five: The 'Bots start a cult that bakes muffins and watches "Sisters" and "Ally McBeal." When Mike is frightened by it, they tell him that they really "lop people's heads off for fun." Pearl is moments away from ruling Karl, when Americorp buys him.

Stinger: Troy says "Rowsdower?"

My Thoughts

Argh...what a bad, bad, bad movie! Canadians are a messed up culture if they think that this is entertainment. Did they think this was a good movie? How completely deluded are they? (A sincere apology to any Canadians who might be reading this...I don't mean you.)

A sad postlude to that paragraph: I tried to convert one of my friends to MST, and I showed her this ep. She ended up watching the movie, as many do, and she LIKED IT!! I almost died.

This is many many people's favorite ep, and it is a wonderful ep, I must agree. "I wonder if there's beer on the sun..."