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#913 Quest of the Delta Knights

(episode guide by Embers)

Movie Summary

This movie begins with a boy who no one wants who is bought by some guy wearing a toilet seat cover as a beard. When the guy finds out that the boy, named Travis but inexplicably called Tee, is some kind of chosen one. So the guy teaches Tee a bunch of useless information and makes him beg for them, then dumps him out to go find a storehouse of stuff that Archemedies left behind. On his way he meets Leonardo di Vinci, who's a total nerd, and a girl named Thena who's really a princess named Athena. Finally they find the storehouse before some other guy, but then they promptly destroy it. So basically Tee has wasted his whole adolescent life just to blow something up. Big deal.

Host Segments

Prologue: Crow has hail damage, so he's towed away and replaced by a loaner, malfunctioning Crow.

Segment One: Crow is returned covered in a layer of True Coat. Pearl gives Mike his semi-annual check-up, but he's fine. Pearl and Mike trade places so she can find out what's wrong.

Segment Two: Servo and Crow are ecstatic because Pearl gave them a mint. Meanwhile, Mike, Bobo, and Brain Guy are bonding over poker. Then Brain Guy switches them back (awww!) and Crow and Tom split.

Segment Three: The Sir Thomas Nevil Servo Consort of the Middle Ages Just After the Plague Singers singing an ancient air on the Delta Knights, led by Sir Thomas Nevil Servo himself.

Segment Four: Leonardo di Vinci visits the SOL.

Segment Five: The 'Bots still miss Pearl, and Servo wants Mike to look at his Pearl scrapbook. At Castle Forrester, the Delta Knights are having their pancake breakfast.

Stinger: Boy swings over bridge; little voice says, "I'm coming!"

My Thoughts

I love this ep!! The segs when Pearl is in the theater on a level of brilliance with the Last of the Wild Horses ep from season 6, with the Mads in the theater. Absolutely hilarious.