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My Tape Trading Page


Well, lookie here! You found my tape trading/selling/buying page! And you're in luck! I've got the complete set of Sci-Fi era eps, all of the circulating KTMAs, and a whole bunch from the CC era too!

I've been trading for almost seven months now, and I've decided to revise my trading specs. Here are my new rules:

  1. No more orders for more than one ep in SP. If you only get one episode, it'll be in SP on the tape, but if you get more than one I simply can't afford to buy all those tapes. It's not so much the cost of the tapes (since you're paying for those anyway), it's the time it takes to go down to Costco and pick them up. So please, EP only.

  2. A limit of two tapes (that's six eps in EP) per order. We can do more than one order, just a few weeks apart from one another. It's easier and cheaper to ship if there's only two tapes in the box.

  3. Speaking of shipping, I'm going to have to start charging for it. As you might know, I used to only charge for tapes and dubbing time, but now I'm going to have to charge shipping as well. That's 3.20 per order Priority Mail. The prices for the rest of the order will remain the same: 2.00 a tape and 0.50 an episode for dubbing time. (If we're trading eps for eps, the shipping cost and all other costs will not be implemented.)

  4. Please don't be mad at me for quality of the episodes. The only ones I taped myself are the ones in the SciFi era labeled first generation (except for Agent for HARM). Don't blame me if your tape isn't as clear as you expected it to be. If you're in it for the show, the quality shouldn't matter too much anyway. Same goes for editing, sound, etc. and so on...

  5. Finally, as always, Rhino eps will not be traded or sold. It's just slightly illegal. I'm already gonna be in enough trouble for my copies of Manos, Pod People, and Gunslinger. :o)

Well, that should be it. If you have an order, mail me at


Some Sample Pricing Options
One episode on one tape in SP$2.50+ $3.20 shipping$5.70
Two episodes on one tape in EP$3.00+ $3.20 shipping$6.20
Three episodes on one tape in EP (recommended!!)$3.50+ $3.20 shipping$6.70
Four episodes on two tapes in EP$6.00+ $3.20 shipping$9.20
Five episodes on two tapes in EP$6.50+ $3.20 shipping$9.70
Six episodes one two tapes in EP (maximum order)$7.00+ $3.20 shipping$10.20