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We have all heard the phrase
Good time friends
And we all know to steer clear
But I have found
A group even more dangerous

I call them
Bad time friends
For when times are good
They are no where to be seen
But shed the first tear
And they are on top of you

Some of them are
Harmless and even
Real friends who care
But are to busy helping others
To share in any fun
So when times are good
They are no where to be seen

We are grateful to this group
For they help see us through
Some of the darkest hours
But just by their nature
They cause a few tears to fall
For we love and miss them
When times are good

Then there are the dangerous ones
They need to feel like
Their sad lives are not so bad
They use our pain
To build themselves up
And comfort us not out of caring
But to feel like they are doing good

They never keep a secret
For then they could not brag
How much better off they are
And what good deeds they’ve done
Beware my friends
Steer clear of these ones
For they are the worse of all

By: BabyRoseBuds
September 28, 1999

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