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Be Quite

That is easy
Just close your mouth
Go into a room by yourself
Oh and turn off the music
We love to sing along with
And disconnect the phone

Be Still

Sounds like such an easy thing
Just take a break
Sit down and put your feet up
Relax after a hard day
Or take a moment
Before the day gets started

This even sounds like
It would be a great thing to do
A wonderful few minutes
Of peace and quite for ourselves
So go ahead and try it
Just sit still and be quite

Now were you really quite
Or did you just not vocalize
Did not a hundred or more things
Cross your mind

Were you really still
Or did your feet just not move
Did you not travel many miles
In all those wonderful thoughts

Be Still
Be Quite
Such an easy thing to do

To hear the voice we long for
To feel his awesome presence
We must be still and quite
We must but the world
Away from us
For he is right next to us

He will not interrupt our daily life
He will not say a thing
Nor make himself known
He stands right beside us
Waiting to show us love
When we take the time

Be still be quite
He is standing there
Just waiting to love us
Waiting for us to take the time
To put the daily grind away
And be still be quite

By: BabyRoseBuds
September 7th 1999

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