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Daddy’s Lap

Can you think back
To the time as a child
When you crawled up into
Daddy’s lap

It was the safest place
The place you felt most loved
Daddy could fix all your problems
Take all your fears away

Well you are a little too big now
To crawl up to his lap
And you have seen him
As just a man now

But what if you could go back
To that time once more
To that place
To the safety and security

What if the price
For this wonderful gift was
Only that you love your daddy
Would you pay the price

What if this daddy
could never fail you
would never be to busy
Would you pay the price

All you have to do
Is close your eyes and turn around
For he is standing right beside you
Waiting for you to crawl on up

Our heavenly Father
Is waiting for you
His lap is empty
His arms open wide

By BabyRoseBuds
September 10th 1999

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