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1. How do you spell "you"?

2. How do you spell "are"?

3. How do you spell "why"?

4. How do you spell "your"?

5. What does brb stand for in chat?

6. What does wb stand for?

7. What does LOL stand for?

8. How many profiles can you have with yahoo?

9. What is the default ICQ sound for friends coming online?

10. How many emotions are there in yahoo chat?

11. What are the two sounds you can send in ICQ chat?

12. What does ROTFLMAO stand for?

13. What is a URL?

14. How do you send a URL without forwarding?

15. How do you locate your bookmarks in ICQ 99a?

16. Do you have more than 25 people on your yahoo friends list?

17. Do you have more than 25 people on your ICQ friends list?

18. What is IRC?

19. Are you a frequent user of more than 4 chat programs?

20. Do you have more than 5 chat links in your favorites list?

Answers found below
Each questions # is the point value for that question
(i.e. question # 6 is worth 6 points)
Now check your answers and add up your score

By: BabyRoseBuds

[ KeyTrax...Audio Generator ] [ Angelfire...Free Web Pages ] [ WhoWhere...People Finder ]

1. U

2. R

3. Y

4. UR

5. Be Right Back

6. Welcome Back

7. Laugh Out Loud

8. 5

9. knock

10. look it up

11. Beep Beep & Laugh

12. Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

13. A web page that u send to people

14. Use the send URL in ICQ

15. Go to service to message to incoming bookmarks

16. Yes

17. Yes

18. Yahoo format

19. Yes

20. Yes

Under 55
How did you get this test?
You are an amateur.
Please go back to school and try again later.

I'll bet you still think the puter is just a nifty toy,
You show excellent promise
Here is your High Chat Diploma

Better than average
Does your family ever complain about your net time?
Here is your AA degree in Chat

And you wasted your precious chat time taking this test.
Are you sure you didn't cheat?
Ok here is your Masters in Chat

Over 200
U R an addict U need HELP
Please call 000-addict-help
They will come and take you to the recovery clinic.

Next Chat

By: BabyRoseBuds

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