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I look into my mirror
And see who I want to be
Not when I am grown
For I did that many years ago

I see a me who is never harsh
Who never looks the other way
When a poor soul I see
I am always Kind,
Caring and Patient

I never let my
Anger and frustrations
Cause me to utter unkind words
For the soft and loving side is
The only side I see

I never am to busy
To give time to those in need
And always remember
That is it those who love me
That need me most sometimes

I am the perfect mother
With warm cookies waiting
When they get home
And the right answers to
All those impossible questions

The wife that
My husband dreams of
Deep within his heart
Always loving and supportive
Even when he is wrong

In my mirror images life
She has no worry or sorrow
No heartache or pain
For she fixes every problem
Before it ever happens

She has learned
That the key to happiness
Is total love and trust
Forgiveness is automatic
Thus she holds no grudge

I see her every morning
Just before I wake
Encouraging me to be
A greater reflection of her
Today than I was yesterday

When my life gets to off kilter
She appears and helps me through
She reminds me that I have
The strength to indure through love
That ability to forgive all hurts

For you see
In my effort to
Become more like her
I sometimes forget
She is a reflection of Me

By: BabyRoseBuds
September 28, 1999

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