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Many people
Myself included ask
Why stay

I am leaning
as I grow old
that we already know

I have this friend
Who every time we talk
Says how bad her home life is

The mental and emotional abuse
She endures is so heartbreaking
Why in the world would she stay

To my surprise
I learn one day
That she is happily married

I think not distraught and lost
Are more like it

No no I am assured
She is happy
And so in love

I am confused
Where does she find the strength
To fool these other people

I ask her the next time we chat
And it turns out that she is both
Happy and sad

It seems I am a sounding board
One she can trust, one she can vent to,
instead of blowing up at hubby

She says because of me she is happy
I have helped her avoid
A lot of silly fights with her hubby

Who among us has not
Used a friend to vent
I have seen that I am just as guilty

There is not a marriage
That does not have it’s bad times
What matters is that we stay

By: BabyRoseBuds
October 15, 1999

A big thank you to
Lynn and Dena
Without you
I would have exploded
Like a volcano

Oh and incase you are worried
I am happy

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