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The New Alien

We have always feared
Aliens from outer space
A new form of life
that would threaten our
very existence.

We feared it would
Break down our system
Of government
Conquer our military forces
And even make
All of our money worthless

They would come
Proclaiming peace
There arrival
Would be welcome by some
Feared by others

The whole world
Would no longer seem so large
All of humanity
Would unite to fight
This alien force

Well my friends look around
Compare the world now
To what it was 15 years ago
All the mentioned changes
Have already begun

Where is this alien
That is taking over our world?
It lives in almost every home
And you are staring it in the face
How much has your life changed
Since it moved in?

Food 4 Thought By Other Artist

By: BabyRoseBuds
April 16, 1999

for those of you that
haven't gotten it yet
the new alien is
your computer

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