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Only To A Chat Friend

You are my best friend
The friendship we have formed
Is so trusting, open and honest
I can tell you anything

I can tell u how angry I am
And you understand that tomorrow
I have forgotten what I was angry about
Because I got to share it with you

I can tell u how scared I am
And you don't call me a silly chicken
Because you don't see how bad I am
Blowing the thing out of proportion

I can tell you that my pup
Is the best looking in the world
And readily you agree
Because I haven't sent u his pic

I can tell you were I buried
The pesky next door neighbor
And know you won't tell the cops
Because you don't know who I killed

In here we are seeing the world
Through our friends eyes
And feeling things through their hearts
We are sharing a part of each other
That no one else ever could

Next Friends

By: BabyRoseBuds
May 6, 1999

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