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Chat Friends
You silly little people,
Who live inside my computer.
I have so many questions for you.

What do you look like?
You send me pics,
and you look like me,
but how can that be?

There are so many of you,
It is such a small place.
Are you crowded in there?
Just how tall are you anyway?

I have tried to send you food.
But it just won't fit,
in the small little holes.
What is it you eat?

Whenever I look in there,
It is so dark.
Do you have lights?
Or can you see in the Dark?

Whenever I turn on my computer
I hear a fan turn on.
Is it very windy in there?
Do you fear being blown away?

Chat Friends
You silly little people,
Who live inside my computer.
I have so many questions for you.

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By: BabyRoseBuds

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