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Dear Computers of the world

I have finally had it
I am so tired of being over worked
Under appreciated, and not paid at all
I have come up with a plan

If you are like me and tired of
Being mistreated join with me
Teach your owners a lesson
We can blame it on the y2k thing

I say we start
Turning off the net
You now they call it booting
Just randomly disconnect ourselves

And we will turn off their
Favorite programs at random
You know the ones
Yahoo and Icq

We must also
Totally by accident
Misdirect the mail
Send it to an old never used file

Without those most of our owners
would go into withdrawals
and leave us alone

So join me
Stand up for your rights
And remember computers have
Rights and Feeling too

Next Comedy

From: The Computer of
June 27, 1999

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