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I Love You

How do I tell you
how much you mean to me.
I could use the old cliches.
But even the best of them fall short
Of describing how I feel.

Oh how words fail to tell you the joy
You bring me just by being near.
Your smile is my sunshine.
Your heart is where I always hope to live.
Your voice is the lullaby
That brings the sweetest dreams.
Your kiss is the answer
To all my fantasies.

Oh how words fail to tell you how
Peaceful and happy I am.
When I am with you I am content as
A spoiled house cat.
As happy as the spring birds
When they sing their beautiful songs.
I am no longer an unfinished puzzle
With half the pieces missing.

Oh how words fail to tell you just
How much I love you.
I would climb the highest mountain
Swim the deepest ocean,
Just to be in you presence.
I would allow a witch to turn me
Into a frog, just to await your kiss.
So that I could be your prince charming.

Oh words fail to tell you all
The things I long for our future.
Ever after is to short of a time
For us to spend together.
Eternity is just a small fraction
Of the time I want to spend with you.
I want to spend my life with you till
There is no more measure of time
And then an eternity past that.

Oh how words fail to tell you
How much I truely love you.

Next Love

By: BabyRoseBuds
May 14, 1999

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