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A crowded room
Can be the loneliest place.
Most of the people
Are laughing and talking.

Even I am putting on
The happy face.
I laugh and smile
All the while my heart is crying

How with all these people here
Can I be so lonely?
How can I feel so empty?
What will fill this void?

I have people here
I have called friends for years.
They use to make me feel whole
But now seem like strangers.

I am just an empty shell
Standing here passing time.
Waiting for something
To fill this huge void inside.

When did this happen
This dark and endless hole?
Where did the person who
Use to live there go?

If I think back to
The last time I felt whole.
It was the night I spent in your arms
Oh so many nights ago

My heart and soul
I gave to you that night
And now you carry them
With you wherever you go

So hurry home my dear.
And know that
Wherever you are
That you carry me with you

Next Love

By: BabyRoseBuds
April 26, 1999

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