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Love is a full time job

I have seen that in today's world
Divorce is all to common
It is no longer something we whisper
about behind closed doors

People no longer think of marriage
As a life long commitment
When the going gets tough leave
Seems to be the new way

There are times when
It is for the best
When there is physical abuse
Or constant cheating

Do people not know
That love changes as it grows
Do they think it is always
Suppose to be that hot steamy love

Do we not want the love
That makes us feel secure
Safe in the knowledge
That we will always be together

We get so caught up
In the job of day to day living
That sometimes we may not feel
This wonderful love

We may forget to show
The person that we love
How much they mean to us
How much we love them

How we look forward to the few
Quite hours we get together
How their laughter
Still brightens our day

When they do the same to us
No more meaning to than we do
We get our feelings hurt
We then get angry

We will show them
We won't do nice things for them
We will close off our heart
So as not to be hurt again

The vicious circle starts
Around and around we go
Where it stops we all know
When the judge grants the divorce

Did she not still Love him
In her heart of hearts
Was that not why
She was hurt in the first place

Did he stop loving her
Or maybe he felt
She didn't want him
The same as she felt unloved

What we are missing is the
Open and honest comuncation
They both assumed that
The other had stopped loveing

If they had said
Ouch that hurts
They might never have seen
The inside of that courtroom

If they had just taken the time
To stop and think
I want this done to me
Did I do it to them

Did I kiss him as he came home
Did I thank her for dinner
Did I pour him a cold drink
Did I notice the new dress

Was I hurt today
Did I hurt them today
Did I harden my heart
Over a silly little thing

It happens without us noticing
This hardening of the heart
It is not what we really feel
It is just that we have become


Next Love

By: BabyRoseBuds
July 1, 1999

Take the time today
to put away your hardness
forgive the hurt
Show the person you love
the little kindness
You may be surprised
when you recieve them in return

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