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Would I do it again?
If I knew then what I know now,
Would I have walked down the aisle?

If I knew
That you snored so loudly,
That you were such a bed piggy,
That you would eat
The last spoon of ice cream
Would I have walked down the aisle?

If I knew
That you don't know where,
The lid for the pickles belongs,
Or the right way,
To squeeze the toothpaste,
Would I have walked down the aisle?

If I knew
That your feet would smell so bad,
That your dirty socks always are
Left on the floor by the bed,
That your truck comes first,
Would I have walked down the aisle?

If I knew
You would soon forget,
That flowers make nice gifts,
And that restaurants exist,
That you would steal all the blankets,
Would I have walked down the aisle?

The answer to all the questions is

I love you
No matter what

Next Love

By: BabyRoseBuds
April 30, 1999

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