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News Flash

From Baby's Garden
May 30, 1999

The First Cyber Baby was conceived
A young couple have fallen in love on chat
And decided to have a child

The man used the computer to design and build
The device that would impregnate his lover
Then in a long hot chat gave her
Step by step instructions on how to use it

The doctors have confirmed the pregnancy
They are watching it very closely
Seems that somehow the child has
A few micro chips aiding in its growth

The father says they are there to make him
Strong and healthy and he expects
The smartest son on earth
Half computer, half human brain

The design for the child and device are being
Sought now by everyone
The father has stated that the child will be able
To link to all the computers in the world

The government wants the device
The mother says no way
It is the best thing on earth ever invented
By a man and she is keeping it

The child is due in 6 months
We will keep up dated as more news
Becomes available

Oh P.S.
It's A Girl

By: BabyRoseBuds
May 30th 1999

dedicated and inspired by:

Ok now it is time
for you to use your imagination.
Tell Me about this baby.
Tell me your thoughts, what happens next.
I will be making new update pages,
with the best entrees.
And giving credit to the
People who give them.
Are you up to the challenge???
E-Mail me your thought.

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