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Is this obessed??
I call it love
How to describe love
There is no way

The best I can do
Is to tell you
The result of love
My actions caused by it

For the one I love
I put his happiness first
If we want different things
His is what we buy first

I do what I think is best
Even if he sees it different
I do what is best for him
And pray he sees it later

I want to solve
all of his problems and wows
I want him to be happy
At any cost to me

I want to spend
Every waking minute with him
But try to let him have
The freedom he needs

I want to make him feel
Needed and secure
Wanted and loved
Appreciated and worthwhile

I want and try all the above
I can not promise to succeed
All of the time
But I do promise to try

The hard thing is
I want the same in return
I guess I am a little

I love you

Next Love

By: Lori Hunt
May 23, 1999

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