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In Prisoned

This body is my prison
In which I am condemned
Engulfed in sickness and pain

Sentenced to spend my life
Unable to do what most
People take for granted

Worse yet is the way others treat me
I see it in everyone's eyes
They pity me

Then they look quickly away
For they fear they might have to speak
And none know what to say

People fear me more than anything
For I am what may happen to them
And no one wants to imagine that

So they run and hide form me
As if I were Frankenstein himself
Chasing away there happy lives

The sickness and the pain
Are truly not near as bad
As the loneliness and pity

When times are hard
And things seem bad
Think of me, and count your blessing

For: Sue
By: BabyRoseBuds
February 21, 2000

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