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I have heard it said by many
I am so stressed out
Or that stresses me out
What I want to know is why

So what the house burnt down
Did you think you were going
to live in it forever?

So what they repossessed the car
I have heard you complain
How much you need a new one

So what they shut off the electric
Now is a good time to practice
For when the Y2K bug hits

So what that your heart throb is
Looking at some one else
You told me he was getting to old

So what the kid dropped out of collage
Now he can get a job
And support you for a change

So what the IRS is auditing you
You filed all your taxes properly
And kept all your receipts

There is always a bright side to everything
You just have to look for it
It is usually staring you in the face

Oh one exception
Losing our friendship
Would be the only thing worth

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