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Please Tell Me

Does the sun still rise and set?
Do the stars still twinkle in the sky?
Does the tide still move the waters?

Do the birds still sing?
Does the wind still howl?
Has the cricket lost its' chirp?

Do the roses still smell so sweet?
Did Butterflies lose all of their color?
Does the old grandfather clock still chime?

I only see in black and white
The sky is no longer blue
Just a dull shade of gray

I hear no music
No children laughing
No cheerful animals at play

Time no longer has meaning
Each day bleeds into the next
No beginning no end

I don't understand why
I am still breathing
My heart still beats within my chest

At first there was shock and denial
Then came the most unbelievable pain
Now there is nothingness

When they laid you in the ground
They buried me with you
They just forgot my body

If you can somehow see this
Please come get me
Don't leave me behind

By:Lori Hunt
April 28, 1999

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