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You Touched My Heart

Today started like an ordinary day
Just passing time
Trying to keep busy

I think we all spend
Most of our life
Just passing time

Filling the seemless
Endless hours of life
Just trying to survive

We work to pay the bills
And play a game or two
Or maybe watch a movie or two

We stop and think sometimes
Where did all the time go
For we did not fill it
With things worth remembering

There are just a few moments
That really mean that something extra
That touch our hearts and make us happy

That when we look back years from now
Will stand out and shine
Bring with them a smile and a heart tug

Today will always be one of those days for me
For today you touched my heart
And made me smile with true joy

Thank You

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Dedicated to: Forever Love
My true friend

By: Lori Hunt
May 20, 1999

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