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Who does it hurt if we chat?

It's not like we love the person on the other side.
They are just chat friends.
Just someone to tell our deepest feelings to.
To share our joys and sorrows.
When things are bad they make them better.
When things are good they rejoice with us.
So I ask again
Who does it hurt if we chat?

It give us a place to go,
A place to hide.
Where we don't have to look at what we don't like.
A place we can be who we want to be.
A place where we have no past.
A place where we are excepted for who we claim to be.
So I ask again
Who does it hurt if we chat?

There is no war in chat land.
There is no one passing judgement.
There is no one condemning us.
There is no bill to pay.
There is no lawn to mow.
There is no house to clean .
So I ask again
Who does it hurt if we chat?

We are just having a little fun.
Passing the time of day.
Feeling like someone cares.
Wishing they weren't so far away.
Sending hugs across the net.
Oh what harm can that do?
So I ask again
Who does it hurt if we chat?

In here there is no pain.
In here we feel needed.
In here we feel excepted.
In here we are loved.
We're hugged more in here in just one day,
than in a year outside.
So I ask again
Who does it hurt if we chat?

They just don't understand.
We are doing nothing wrong.
We are not hurting anyone.
How could we if we tried?
We are not running away.
We are just having fun.
So I ask you again
Who does it hurt if we chat?

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By: BabyRoseBuds

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