Within this page you will find an ever-growing collection of navel related poetry, stories, essays and more. Enjoy, and celebrate your navey today and everyday.
and now
only silence.
no more screeching tires.
no more shattered glass.
no more snapping bones.
just the wind in the oaks
and the birds.
and far-off city sounds
and me
twisted into a fleshy knot
and staring
at the lint
in my bellybutton.
It could take me
into a crisp breeze
and sun
pinking my face
darkening freckles
wearing lines into my face
I'd take off my shirt
lie in the itching life
of lush green grass
soft, pillowing
cooling my back
Droplets of sweat collect
in my navel
I bask in the sun's blanket
the chirping of sparrows
I close my eyes
the lids warm and I see red
your smile
soft wheezy snore
tone deaf shower singing
the mole south of your navel
are God