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Here's our Jake, handsome fellah at the front!

There's alot of ducks here!

Ducks all over the lace...still little guys too!

Oooh...such beauty and so many colors!

Such a joy to be able to get close up to this colorful flock of beauties!

Here are two bar-headed geese...Hansel and Gretel.

Here is a swan named Ben who likes to gnaw on your coatsleeves and the ladies are the 2 chinese geese...Amelia and Abigail(from The Aristocrats).

Jerry is a duck whose head is black instead of dark green (he's at the front).

This is a little hooded merganser at the winter quarters.

This is a pair of rusty coloured, ruddy shell ducks.

Here is a nice shot of their winter quarters.

Here is a nice shot of new duck family...June 2001.

Here are some of our Stratford Swans...another new family... June 2001.

Here our famous Molly (of the pair Ken and Molly) and her 4 new babies (cygnets) just born in June 2001.

A pair of Stratford swans nesting on Flowerpot Island, Willie and Joanne, hatched eights cygnets this week (June 2002)and are proudly showing them off here. Ken and Molly, the nesting pair whose eggs were stolen several weeks ago, have laid another clutch but they are still a couple of weeks away from hatching.