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Our Pet Family!

Tumbles is really caught up a tree here...*lol*

Just a Friendly Chat between Ethel our finch and Tumbles

Pretty Miss Molly catching the suns rays...LOOKIN PURRRTY

Ms Molly and Mr. Tumbles just snoozin'away...

Here is our new dog named "Jessie"...such a sweetheart. She's about a year and 1/2 and we adopted her in June, 2001. Since her arrival, she's been a true joy and blessing. I'm so glad she found us!

There are the new troops of the family: Kozmo, Emily and Lucy. They are keeping the place jumping all the time...what a trio!!

Here are some "Lunkers" (as we call them) or Goldfish about 5-6 inches long each (including tails) and extremely beautiful. They're "feeders" (sold to feed other fish) but I bought and rescued them. They live in a large tank and so RELAXING to watch. I've been repaid more than many times for saving their lives!

Dedicated to our loving friends at Rainbow Bridge
now...Blue, Sunny, Moonshine, Tom, Sarge, Tiger, Shadow, and Tumbles.

Happy Catnip Cookie Greetings in 1999 from: Molly, Tumbles and Shadow.

Here is a recent(2004)picture of my 4 cats sleeping on the bed together: Molly,the siamese( back left), Emily (back right), Kosmo (front), and Lucy (middle with red collar). Cute eh??