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Wild *NSync Dreams

Okay- I've had 4 dreams about everyone in *N Sync except Chris. Well... here goes...

#1- I was sitting in class and Justin and J.C. were sitting close to me and Brad Pitt was sitting in the table diagonal to me and he was making faces at me. Then, the teacher gave us a few minutes at the end of class to talk and Justin and J.C. came over by me. Justin was playing with my ponytail then he pulled out my ponytail holder. Why? I don't know. Then, somehow the dream went to my friend Jameka's house except it was my house and me and Justin were sitting in the bathroom floor. He was behind me and we were looking at this big cage and it had a python in it. It was Justin's. (I know he doesn't like snakes) Then I leaned back on him and like patted the back of his head and he said "We could have been doing this a lot longer." (Because we both lived in Jameka's house and he was talking about being together.) And right as I turned around and we were about to kiss, the dream ended. The wierd thing is: I don't like Justin. I mean, I think he's fine (like the rest of the population), but I'm in love with Lance.Anyway...

#2- Okay, I really don't remember much of this dream, but here goes- For some odd reason I was at school again and I had a pile of socks on my desk. Lance and Justin kept stealing them off my desk and teasing me. Then, it like goes to a desert trailer park (like the Las Vegas ones outside of the city) and they were like hanging out of their houses, yelling at me while I was walking down the road with an armful of socks.

#3- I walked into a movie theater and there was this square bar in the middle of the floor and my friend Whitney (who hates *N Sync) was serving everyone drinks. Then I saw Joey and I was like "I gotta go talk to him" so I did. Then, somehow it switches over somewhere and I'm talking on the cell phone with him. I'm sitting in a corner so no one will hear me. I ask him where he's at and he tells me a specific city in New York (but I can't think of it right now, besides it doesn't even exist). I ask him questions and the phone line is really clear, but every time I star to talk about myself, he gets real distant. I can't remember the rest.

#4- I was riding in a truck with my mother with the windows down 'cause it was real hot and I hear *N Sync. It sounded like they were having a concert and I tell my mom to stop and I stand on top of the truck to see if I can find out where it's coming from.

Well, that's it. There like super wierd and everything, but you know, any dream with *N Sync is like the BEST!

P.S.- I ALWAYS have wierdo dreams, so this was no surprise to me. But these don't make me a wierdo (that I admit to anyway!).

Luv, Sarah Garofalo (Sarah Lee Pancake)

Ok, so my name is Hope and I'm 15 yrs old. My favorite guy is Lance. Ok so here goes my dream:

**My friend Vanessa and I were walking around this camp, (I've never been to camp before!), and we ran into Lance and Justin. Well, after we ran into them, we started walking towards this building and in that building were a bunch of people, I'm guessing the other people who were at the camp. There was this speaker in the front of the room but I couldn't hear what they were saying. All of a sudden everyone's holding hands in the air and I think they were singing the camp's song or whatever. This gave me a feeling that it was the last day at this camp. So everyoe started leaving and Vanessa and I asked Lance and Justin what they were going to do after camp and Justin said, "We're leaving in a couple of days to go on tour." Lance agreed with him. Then Vanessa says, "Well I have an audition to go to." Audition for what I don't know. Then, out of nowhere I agreed with her like saying I had one to go to also. Even though we both know that there's no audition that we have to go to. We were just to upset that they were leaving to say anything else. Vanessa and I started to walk away and Lance called my name. Both Vanessa and I turn around, both crying and she ran up to Justin and I ran up to Lance. He gave me the biggest hug I've ever had. *just a side note, it was one of those dreams that feels like it's really happening and you can feel what happens in the dream in real life* After he hugged me, I was still in his arms and I looked at him with tears in my eyes and then he kissed me. It was weird cause I could actually feel the moisture on my lips, from his while I was sleeping. It was just one of those little pecks, but the ones that mean something. You know? Well, after that him and Justin walked me and Vanessa back to our room, but when we got there, it was a dorm room. They left and Vanessa and I started packing and I saw this outfit I had and noticed that it would look cute with a pair of her shoes. so I went to go get her shoes, turned around and my outfit was gone. So I leave the room to look for her and find her coming down the hall wearing my outfit. Behind her I saw Lance and Justin. All of a sudden it changed to Vanessa and me outisde running somewhere, but still at the camp. She didn't have any shoes on so I gave her a piggy back ride. (she's really tiny) Well, we ran into them again and i gave Lance and hug and she gave Justin one. They started walking us back to our dorm room while Lance was holding my hand. They came in the dorm room with us. Then I woke up.** I know it's long and I know it's definately weird but that is really what I dreamed about. It's weird cause I've never dreamt about *N SYNC before. You might not believe me but I seriously felt the moisture from Lance's lips on mine. I think that right there is why I remember my dream so vividly. Well, I gotta jet but I hope you believe me about my dream and not think I'm someweirdo. ~* Hope*~

Hi! My name is Beka and Im 15. I am a devoted Jc girl but I must admit Ive had my fair share of dreams for all the guys. This is the weirdest one yet and it focuses on Jc (well duh). Well here goes.

My mom had bought my sister and I these tickects to a concert. My sister and I went. The concert wasnt a normal concert. The room we were in was small like a library or something. And it had isles that the guys woudl run down. I had noticed that through out the whole concert Jc and I kept catching each others eye. When it came to the last song, Jc stopped singing and turned to the guys. He was like hold up a second yall. he looked around the audience and then stopped at me. he pointed to me and he was like you. i pointed to myself and said me? (like a dork lol). he said yea you and i kinda backed up into the crowd. he laughed and said well are you coming or not. so i ran up to the stage and the concert ended. they took me backstage and i met all the guys. Jc took me back to this little room. he reached into this bag and pulled out this little box. he signed and all and then handed it me. I was all excited to know what it was and when I opened it it was a bar of soap. I know I know--weird. lol. he smiled and looked all excited. I was liek um thanks. then i asked him to sign the bar of soap too and he was like sure and i was all happy. then i woke up.

i have had plenty of drems with nsync in them on was: me and my friends were throwing a swim party at my friends house and nsync was there. my friend was talking to justin and justin was telling her how much he liked me but he wasnt sure if i like him and this was all happening while i am swimming. so then justin gets up the nerve to tell me he likes me and me and him are standing under a water fall and he tells me and i say "i like u to, i like i u alot" and then we start makeing out under the water fall.then i woke up. jenifer,17 justin is my fave

Ugh dont you hate it when you are in the middle of a really cool dream and then all of a sudden you wake up?!?!?!?! And then your dream is like all over! Oh well anyways, please send us any of your NSYNC Dreams, we all put them on our site as soon as we can! thank you!

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