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92 Ways To Know That You Are A True *N Sync Fan

1. When you and your best friend (hey kari) can sit in class and recite every single word of every television program that they have ever been on and the teacher stops the class and makes you finish in front of everyone.

2. You know you're an 'N Sync fan when you count down the days until their next album comes out or the next time they're on TV.

3. You know you're an *N Sync fan when you are talking to some who's not a fan and you refer to the guys as if they were your close personal friends

4. When you buy 2 issuses of BOP one to keep and one to pull the pins out of

5. When you almost severly hurt someone for touching your autographed CD

6. When you apply to the same college as the one Chris went to just to say,"Hey I am going to the same school that Chris Kirkpatrick went to!"

7. You take a picture of the TV when they were on Total Request Live. (If you don't use the flash, it actually works!!!)

8. I know I am a true fan because I've been watching JC and Justin on the Mickey Mouse Club for over 5 years. I even took a 12 hour trip to Dallas when the MMC was touring, and met JC, all before he ever made it big with NSYNC!!!

9. You know your an nsync fan whenerver you see them on tv your eyes are just glued to the tv, and when ever someone comes in you make them get out unless they're going to be quiet.

10. Whenever you hear the word Nsync your attention goes right to who ever or what ever said it.

11. If you relate to everything on the whole list people sent in including your own

12. You go into shock because you didn't have a tape in the VCR when they were on for like five seconds

13. I know i'm a 'N SYNC fan when I sleep with the cd case in my hand.

14. You order 6 tickets when you only need two just incase you lose the others!

15. You blow out your stereo speakers when 'N Sync comes on the radio.

16. When all your school work has something to do with 'N Sync, and your teacher is so sick of hearing about them that she gives you a bad grade!

17. When your mom, dad, and the rest of your family knows every word to every song because you play it so much.

18. You're the mom of a fan(she's 10 and I'm 36) and you have to watch the Disney tape and listen to the CD everyday, cause now you're hooked, too!

19. You decide to count all the pics on your wall and there are over 200

20. When a teacher lets you write on their calender you mark the groups b-days!!

21. You run up your parents phone bill calling Orlando just to hear their voices on a phone recording. (407) 352-2478.

22. You paint new things on your walls about 'N Sync evey month with washable paint.

23. When you cover all the walls in the house with *NSYNC and your sisters, brothers and parents get mad at you! I even covered the bathroom wall because i had to put all of those pictures somewhere!!!(from Carol)

24. You know you're an 'N Sync fan when you have your parents fly you to Disney World and you make the ride attendants let you sit in every car at "Countdown to Extinction," just to ensure you sat where the guys sat when they went on the ride during the Disney special.

25. When you ditch school for 2 days and stand in line to see them and get their autographs.

26. You have ever dance step memorized and teach it to your dance team.

27. I know when im an NSYNC fan when i follow a tour bus that looks like theres,but when they stopeed at a gas station and got out i found out it was hanson.

28. Your 44 year old mother knows all the dances from the Disney concert & thinks Lance is the hottest guy since Robert Redford!

29. You know you're a fan when you have about three binders full of articles and every other scrap of information you're able to get your hands on.

30. You know you are an Nsync fan when you are listening to their Christmas album all year just so you can here their voices on two different CD's.

31. You know you're an *NSYNC fan when your e-mail signature is part of one of there songs.

32. When your e-mail password is *NSYNC related or one of the guy's names.

33. When you make a quiz over *NSYNC and give it to your friends.

34. You know your'e an n'sync fan when you won't date anyone because you think Justin (your future husband) would get mad.

35. You know yor nsync when you drive four hours to see them in concert and on the way you see how many times you can listen to their CD.

36. You hear one of their songs and you can play the music video in your head as the song plays.

37. You watch their videos in slow motion over and over again.

38. You give each member a nickname based on their personalities.

39. You tell everyone of your friends when they are gonna be on TV even if they don't care or don't like them.

40. You go on line, and the only page(s) you look up are 'n sync pages!!

41. They come on tv and you can't even talk you are so into looking at your.

42. You know You're a fan when you are answering "Yes" to all these questions!!!

43. You know u r a fan when you can sing all the songs backwards, tune and everything!

44. I know I'm an 'N Sync fan when I send a letter to the guys and I send it Certified Mail with Return Reciept Requested, just to ensure that it will be delivered to the guys, and I know it got there.

45. You know you're a huge fan of 'N Sync when you name your pet after your favorite member of 'N Sync.

46. You know you're an 'N Sync fan when...... You pierce your ear in the cartilage just because Justin has his there!

47. You frame a big poster of Justin from a magazine right above your bed so you can see him right when you get up.

48. You buy a lot of baby blue clothes cause that's Justin's fave color.

49. At school, you are known as "The Girl Who Loves N Sync" and everyone tells you when they heard them on the radio or saw them on tv.

50. At least 85% of what comes out of your mouth has to do with N Sync in one way or another.

51. Your dad calls them N Stink because the family hears their music and has to listen to you talk about them constantly.

52. You know you're an *N Sync fan when you and your cousin do nothing but watch their appearances on tv, even the 2 second shot of them in a commercial, that you recorded (not to mention their own home video) all weekend long, every weekend. Plus you drive your parents crazy by reciting every word that the GUYS say.

53. You know you're an 'N Sync fan when you start singing and dancing their songs in choir and your director gets so fed up that he threatens to kick you out of class.

54. When you kiss a poster every night before you go to bed.

55. When you talk to a poster because you're down and just HAVE to talk to somebody

56. Go to a concert and waste all the film on pictures of you with Joey's brother.

57. After a concert you go in a convenience store and sing your fave song to the customers.

58. Your family gets so attached to them that they even start to plaster their walls.

59. You have to buy a new *NSYNC because the other one is worn out from being played so much.

60. You talk with an exchange student from Germany, you mention *N Sync, and she says she used to like them, and she went to a concert. It comes out, after you ask her what it was like, that she held Chris's hand. You immediately grab it and worship it. Now whenever you see her in the hall at school you say, "Behold, that hand!" as you refrain form fondelling it more.

61. You say "*N Sync!" whenever you sneeze (instead of "heh-choo!"), or you say "*N Sync bless you." and not "God bless you."

62. You surf the web for 18 hours a day, you chat, you have popular websites on all the guys and all you say is "There is something about them out there that someone knows, and I don't!" - You keep all your dreams of the guys in files, and you keep them to youself.

63. You hear the guy next to you in Biology singing, "Your love is like a river, peaceful and deep, you soul is like something that I don't know..." and you listen in on the conversation between him and the world for the rest of class. "You spend too much time listening to Star (local radio station) if you already know that song, man." "yeah, I know, and I heard it on the radio this morning too." Then you chime in,"Well, I've had it meorized since..." they all roll their eyes as you rattle off the date after the CD came out, like it was you birthdate or something.

64. You cry at one of their concerts, or during "Tearin' Up My Heart", or even scream, like duh- didn't you go there to hear them and not youself???

65. You plan special events around *N Sync's schedule, like taking vacation at a city where they are.

66. You have a party on their birthdays, listening to only their music, calling into the radio station and dedicating their song to them, and exchanging persents fo things they are interested in.

67. You know you're an *NSYNC fan (like myself!) when you spend the night at the colisium in the middle of December to get tickets to their concert in April, and at 1am have securety guards kick you out. So you go and wait in line somewhere else till 9am and discover you got CRAPPY tickets even though you were there like ALL FREAKIN' NIGHT! You then start crying... and your mom (or in my case aunt) calls in and gets really good tickets over the phone so it makes it all better! And so now you have 10 tickets total! :)

68. You know you are obsessed with NSYNC when you have memorized every word to every thing they have ever been on and say it with them.

69. You know you are a N' Sync fan when you have two copies of their first CD and two copies of their Christmas CD, I did.

70. You know you're a fan when you play hooky the day their new music video is going to debut and you watch MTV for an entire day because you just don't want to miss the first time they play it.

71. You know your a 'N Sync fan when you used the entire C drive on your computer just to save pictures of them.

72. You know you're a fan when you have all three binders of info on them memorized and you can answer any question about them as easy as telling a person your name.

73. You know you're a fan when you can watch a tv interview and when the interviewer asks a question you answer it before them.

74. When you yell at a friend if she puts the star in the wrong spot.

75. When you date a guy who is cousins with JC just to get his e-mail ,home address, and phone number.!!

76. Well I know I'm a fan when I dressed up as Chris for halloween; I wore my *NSYNC shirt, a bandanna, painted my hair with white streaks, and I painted a beard and mustache!

77. When you spend 20 hours on one net site in 2 and a half days!

78. When you'd trade in your own sisters for two tickets to an *N SYNC concert and a date with Lance!

79. You know when your an n'sync fan when your sleeping and you call out on of the groups name!!

80. Buy every single magazine their in.

81. When you go and get your nails done and have them write NSYNC on each nail.

82. You've seen the new video *N the Mix so many times that you can sit down and say all the words, and your 3 year old brother knows all the words and some of the dance to "Here We Go".

83. Your last name on your email account has been Magically changed to the same last name of one of the members of the group...just so you feel connected with one of them...mine being Bass.

84. You know you're an *N Sync fan when you have 34 floppy disks filled with pictures of JC, Justin, Joey, Chris and Lance.

85. your best friends brother even knows the words to the songs and sings along with you!

86. You can have entire conversations using just titles or lyrics from their songs.

87. You know your a *N SYNC fan when your art teacher says she'll flunk you if turn in one more drawing of Lance. 88. I know I am a fan because my boyfriend and his friends, and my brother (who's been in college for 2 years) and his friends know the difference between the backstreet boys and *N Sync.

89. I know my friend is a fan because she started dating Bryan when she found out he listened to *N Sync.

90. You know you are obssed with J.C. when you write your what your wedding invitations will look like.

91. You know u and ur friends are *NSync fans when you open up your locker at school and ur friends all kiss the sticker of them (u know, the one from the "God Must Have Spent..." single photo shoot) that you have in your locker and start fighting in the hallway about who gets who.

92. You know ur an *NSync fan when you subcribe to the CrUnKiFiCaTiOn newsletter at, so you can get lots of info about the guys in your email every week!

Know any other ways that you know you are an *N Sync Fan?? E-mail us!
