My Friends
- Matt Wills-nice,sniperboy,cool
- Julian Tano-could play the Entertainer
- Ryan Quini-known as Wiggum
- Michael Ordonez-The Rock
- Roberto Serrano-da pimp,
- Dion Martinez-'Celine', sometimes serious
- Jeromie Mendoza-cool,
- Jason Murdock-nice,cool friend
- Jason Bailey-nice,cool friend
- Ron Parks-nice,funny,cool
- Joneric Filipinas-funny,cool,
- Go Yamada-funny,cool
- Mark Gaskins-tall,funny,cool
- Tristan Barnacha-Hellknight
- Chris Rullan-funny
- Rodney Yolangco-cool
- Kim Junio-talented
- Jeremy G.-a teacher saw him in the girls restroom
- Steven L.-Big King
- Catherine Binette-love her as a sister
- Lorianne Roxas-nice,good friend,cool
- Erica Cabalbag-nice,shy,good friend,cool
- Barbara Watson-so nice,funny,cool
- Masami Araki-nice,funny,cool
- Erika Hobart-tall,nice,funny,trustful
- Khristale A.-nice,funny,cool
- Rika A.-happy person
- Julia M.-giggles alot,cool
- Christine O.-nice to me
- Kaycee M.-funny,cool
- Anna G.-cool
- Remy Junio-nice
- Jennifer Lee-smart,funny,cool
If I forgot your name, please forgive me...Just tell me.