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Over the Moon in 525,600 Seasons of Love

Collins and Angel
Mimi, Roger, and Benny
Mark, Joanne, and Maureen

Welcome to my RENT page, dedicated to my favorite musical of all time, RENT. The reason why it's my favorite is because it's a look at the other way of life that no one wants to see, but they always know it's there. With this musical, Jonathon Larson made us sit up and listen to what him and his characters had to say. Things like, "No day but today" "Forget regret or life is your to miss." His words taught us to just take life as it comes and appricate what you have because tomorrow is never promised. With this musical Jonathan made us laugh, made us cry, and best of all, made us think. Thank you Jonathan for you words of inspiration and encouragement to just be ourselves. You will be sorely missed but will never leave the hearts of your family and all the lives you have touched with RENT.