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... cantrips for the common man, the tribunes of the apprentice magus ...

Cantrips for the Common Man

The following cantrips are the result of long years of mystic study by the Lady Almalthea in an effort to produce common-sense incantations for her greenling apprentices to master. Simple of stature, miniscule in absorbed power, these 'little spells' as they are referred to by some folk are meant to enable the average layman, to ease his life in subtle but significant ways. Anyone with even the potential of a spark of the Gift will find the ability, with a little practice, to easily overcome each cantrip and effectively create their own common-sense, common-day magic.

In game terms, these may be thought of as 0-level spells. They are to be utilized, and only effective, in very limited short-range circumstances, for specific purposes and specific results. Though each technically consumes one point of Potential Psychic Energy, even the meanest of magus apprentices will find themselves able to cast multiple cantrips on a daily basis. Five cantrips per level of the character may be cast every twenty-four hours, regardless of whether or not said character has any formal wizardly training. All that is required is the initial tutelage of learning said cantrip, and thereafter the moment of concentration of one-quarter a melee round to cast.

Balance (1 P.P.E.)
Chanting this spell allows one better control of one's balance, maintaining equilibrium while tight-rope walking, or on the deck of a ship.

Effects last for one hour per level of the caster; or a one-time bonus of +1 to P.P. for a specific action; cumulative effects of this cantrip are not possible.

Conjure Water (1 P.P.E.)
With this incantation one can summon one quart of water, clean, cool and potable.

It is advised that one have a container on hand to hold the summoned water, or else watch the water spill on the ground.

Firefly Spark or Silent Snuff (1 P.P.E.)
A tiny glowing ember-spark is generated at the snap of the fingers, just enough to light the wick of a candle, or slowly start burning prepared tinder or fuel-soaked organic material such as cloth or wood. Any generally non-combustible material is immune, and even a cord of firewood will not catch aflame unless they are specially prepared with pitch. The reverse is a candle flame, sparks from a campfire, and so forth being extinguished by the cantrip.

Range is ten feet per level of the caster.

Flame's Warmth or Ice Chill (1 P.P.E.)
This cantrip may work upon either an object or a living thing. Upon something such as a glass of wine or a metal spoon, the wine may be cooled to a springhouse chill, while the spoon could be heated to an uncomfortable burning warmth. Upon a living being, one may either warm them to sweating discomfort, or chill them to a shiver.

Results of this cantrip last for one minute per level of the caster.

Fool's Gold (1 P.P.E.)
This spell creates a single gold coin that appears for five minutes per level of the caster. Once bitten, bent or melted down, the coin vanishes.

This cantrip can be especially valuable when coaxing a bit of information from an innkeeper, assuring a loyalty from a lackey, or making good on a promise to a merchant.

Freshen (1 P.P.E.)
This cantrip is cast upon edible material, food or drink, in an effort to restore their nutrient content, original flavor and appearance. Rotting or molding foods are unfortunately unable to be restored by this cantrip.

E.g. A cold, congealed cut of beef is returned to its sizzling-hot temperature, the juices clear, running and savory, texture tender and palatable. A glass of flat, room-temperature white wine is chilled pleasantly, the liquid becoming effervescent and sparkling. Range is ten feet per level of the caster.

Monkies (1 P.P.E.)
To what purpose this spell serves is anyone's guess. However the incantation is most amusing to the caster, for upon uttering the brief words, all about the caster appears via illusory senses adorable, fuzzy little monkeys! Each 'monkey' will appear to hop and dance about, swing from overhead, or drink from a little brown bottle clutched in its wee hind paws.

The silly sight lasts for ten seconds per level of the caster, or until it is dispelled on command, and creates three monkeys per level of the caster.

Open and Close (1 P.P.E.)
True to its name, this cantrip allows the caster to push shut or slowly open a door, shutter, window, cabinet, chest, and so forth. Handles and knobs, so long as they are unlocked, will slowly turn to release the catch.

Only lids less than three pounds may be lifted.

Snatch (1 P.P.E.)
This cantrip will allow the caster, from a distance of two feet per level, to mentally pick up items weighing less than a pound and move the object to their hand.

This cantrip may also be used on objects within anothers' possession, though the item must be freely able to move from an open palm, a loose pocket, etc.

Unravel or Stitch (1 P.P.E.)
Chanting this spell will cause a loose seam to unravel completely, resulting in the garment, pocket or pouch falling aprart; or in reverse, to stitch up a torn seam.

A seam must exist for the cantrip to take effect; imagine the possibilities of this simple, though potentially awkward and embarassing cantrip. Tricksters, thieves, clowns and entertainers all might find the spell useful.

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Clair de Lune.

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