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Copyright Kity Roach, Toonland Animation see resources for a link to Kity's page!

Trick or Treat?

The Kilmer Safari staff wants to pass out some Halloween goodies,
so here are a few treats for you,
and if you have any sweets you want to share, send us an email!

Copyright Graphics by PeeLee, respect the artist and review her site before taking any art!

In Ireland, where Halloween began, the first jack-o'-lanterns weren't made of pumpkins. They were made out of rutabagas, potatoes, turnips, or even beets!

There is an old Irish legend about a man named Stingy Jack who was too mean to get into heaven and had played too many tricks on the devil to go to hell. When he died, he had to walk the earth, carrying a lantern made out of a turnip with a burning coal inside.

Stingy jack became known as "Jack of the Lantern," or "Jack-o'-lantern."

From this legend came the Irish tradition of placing jack-o'-lanterns made of turnips and other vegetables in windows or by doors on Halloween.

The jack-o'-lanterns are meant to scare away Stingy Jack and all the other spirits that are said to walk the earth on that night.

It wasn't until the tradition was brought to the United States by immigrants that pumpkins were used for jack-o'-lanterns.

Haunted Pumpkin Patch

Don't miss PeeLee's haunted house! You can take a peek at all her fantastic graphics by clicking on the link below. Respect the artist and visit her site before taking any of the graphics that belong to her!

Copyright PeeLee Graphics, these graphics are free for a link, do not take art without visiting her site and reading her rules of useage.