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Copyright Kity Roach, Toonland Animation see resources for a link to Kity's page!

Copyright Kity Roach, Toonland Animation see resources for a link to Kity's page! Copyright Kity Roach, Toonland Animation see resources for a link to Kity's page! Copyright Kity Roach, Toonland Animation see resources for a link to Kity's page!

A Truly Happy Halloween

Stir the pot, concoct the brew,
this recipe has proven true
through the ages in brown ink stages,
it’s secrets unveiled on faded pages.

A sigh of dreams, a whisker of cat,
and never, oh never, omit the bat.
Add liquid smile, a cocky grin
and so much confidence the pot glows within.

Circling ‘round this magic pot
while chanting the chants of love forgot,
Witchee’s crew empowers this brew by
blowing in kisses soft as the dew.

Vapors arise in swirling wisps
and mingle with excited breath,
as out of the mist steps forth a vision,
damn we’re good!
We’ve completed our mission!

Powerful potion! Expel the notion
that crafty witches should not be chosen
to supplicate from boundless desires
the reality we wish for ours.

Gazing around, the perfect man,
under the crescent moon
Val stands, slightly confused,
somewhat bemused, not yet suspecting
the power we used.

By light of moon, by sprinkle of star,
we admire as always from afar;
thereupon in awe though still remaining,
we take our chances without restraining.

Ruffling hair, showering kisses,
caressing his face, ignoring his hisses,
we circle ‘round letting fingertips trace shivering,
chill bumps across his lips.

Encouraged by our tender touch,
he takes a turn with each of us,
tangoing in the autumn night,
through whispery leaves of colored light.

Laughing and teasing,
the singing, the dance,
we shared it all,
the thrill of romance.

Then dropping to the mossy forest floor,
we clasped our hands and begged for more.
Alas, anon, our time was gone;
Reappearing in the aging night the
vaporous mist reclaimed our knight
along with our faithful hearts,his tokens,
our spell of All Hallows Eve was broken.



Copyright Graphics by PeeLee, respect the artist and review her site before taking any art!

Copyright PeeLee Graphics, these graphics are free for a link, do not take art without visiting her site and reading her rules of useage.